19 December 2012

Days of India : Indian-German philatelic exhibition, Berlin


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Philatelic Exhibition during the Days of India 2012 / 2013

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From 6-December-2012 till 3-January-2013 a common Indian-German philatelic exhibition is being held  held in the “Museum für Kommunikation” (museum for communication and philately) in Berlin. The responsible for the Indian part is the Embassy of India in Berlin. On the German side the “Deutsche Post”, the “Museum für Kommunikation Berlin”, the BDPh, the VBPhV (association of philatelic societies in Berlin) and the FGI are involved.


Days of India 2012-2013

A German special postmark, a special postal stationery postcard and envelope was also issued on the occasion.

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An Indian special post office Counter  for the sale of Indian stamps has also been set up.

The shown exhibition objects are extracts from award-winning exhibition collections from German philatelists. The aim of the presentation is to show the broad variety of
approaches to the theme India philately.

Exhibitor / Theme / Frames

Dr. Andreas Birken (FGI) : Philatelic Atlas of British-India, Examples (won vermeil in the literature class at the NAPOSTA Hannover 2005) 1 Frame

Heinz Franke (GB&CWPS) : Britis-India Mail in the 19th century from India to Europe (won great-gold at the NAPOSTA Essen 2009) : 2 Frames

Volker Grossmann (FGI): British-Indian picture postcards of Indian Railway Stations (won vermeil at the SPIREX Speyer 2012) : 1 Frame

Martin Hosselmann (FGI) : Letters from British-India to Germany - 1Frame

Peter Mika (FGI): Meter Marks from the Early Days of the Republic of India - 1Frame

Peter Mika (FGI) : Postal Stationery of the Republic of India (won silver at Rang-2 exhibition, vermeil at Rang-3 exhibition)

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Glimpses of the exhibition : Days of India, Berlin

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1. Museum for Communication 2. Stand of India Post

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1. Mr. Gerhard Freitag 2. Mr Wolfgang Beyer, Vice Chairman of the German Collector Group “ Arge Zoologie ”

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1. Exhibit of India Study Group in Germany  2. Exhibit by India Post

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1.Mr.Gerhard Freitag with exhibit  2. Exhibit by India Post

Publishing of photos  with friendly permission   of the Museum of  Communication,Berlin

courtesy – Museum of  Communication, Berlin - Wolfgang Beyer & Nico  Distelmeier  (German Police)

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News And Cover : Wolfgang Beyer, Limbach – Oberfrohna  (Germany)


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