Odipex-2014 : 9th Odisha State Level Philatelic Exhibition
22nd to 24th August 2014
The 9th Odisha State Level Philatelic Exhibition ‘Odipex-2014’ was organised by Odisha Postal Circle at Marawari Society, Unit-6, Bhubaneswar.During the exhibition 6 special covers were released.
Special Cover on Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves : 22.08.2014
Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves are partly natural and partly artificial caves of archaeological, historical and religious importance near the city of Bhubaneswar. The caves are situated on two adjacent hills, Udayagiri and Khandagiri, mentioned as Kumari Parvat in the Hathigumpha inscription. They have a number of finely and ornately carved caves. It is believed that most of these caves were carved out as residential blocks for Jain monks during the reign of King Kharavela. Udayagiri means "Sunrise Hill" and has 18 caves while Khandagiri has 15 caves.
Special Cover on NALCO : 23.08.2014
National Aluminium Company Limited (Nalco) is Asia's largest integrated aluminium complex, encompassing bauxite mining, alumina refining, aluminium smelting and casting, power generation, rail and port operations. Commissioned during 1985-87, Nalco has emerged to be a star performer in production, export of alumina and aluminium, and more significantly, in propelling a self-sustained growth. NALCO has units in Odisha at places like Angul and Damanjodi. The company's headquarters are located in Bhubaneswar.
Special Cover on INTACH : 23.08.2014
The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is India’s largest non-profit membership organization dedicated to conservation and preservation of India’s natural, cultural, living, tangible and intangible heritage. Its mission is to Sensitize the public about the pluralistic cultural legacy of India; Instill a sense of social responsibility towards preserving our common heritage; Protect and conserve our living, built, and natural heritage by undertaking necessary actions and measures; Provide expertise in the field of conservation, restoration and preservation of specific works of art; and encourage capacity building by developing skills through training programs etc.
Special Cover on East Coast Railway HQrs, Bhubaneswar : 24.08.2014
The East Coast Railway one of the blue chip zones of Indian Railways came into existence in its present form with effect from 1st April 2003. East Coast Railway has been acknowledged to have played an important role in building infrastructure and providing connectivity in Eastern, Southern and Central India.The geographical jurisdiction of East Coast Railway zone extends over three states encompassing almost all of Odisha along with parts of Srikakulam, Vizainagaram and Visakhapatnam districts of northeastern Andhra Pradesh and Bastar and Dantewada districts of Chhatisgarh state. The zonal headquarters is at Bhubaneswar in Odisha.
Special Cover on Pale-capped Pigeon : 24.08.2014
The pale-capped pigeon (Columba punicea) also known as the purple wood pigeon is a species of large pigeon that is found patchily distributed in parts of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This large 36–40.5 cm-long pigeon is all-dark chestnut brown with a contrasting pale crown. The male has whitish-grey crown, purplish-maroon upperparts with faint green gloss on the neck; more strongly iridescent mantle and back; dark slate-coloured rump and uppertail-coverts; vinous-brown ear-coverts, throat and underparts, slaty-grey undertail-coverts; and blackish tail and flight feathers. Females have a more brownish-grey crown. Juveniles initially have the crown colour matching the mantle, duller wing-coverts and scapulars with rufous fringes, a much reduced gloss on the upperparts and greyer underparts. The legs are crimson and iris is creamy-yellow in adults. The skin around the eyes and the ceres are magenta.
Special Cover on Maha Bodhi Society : 24.08.2014

The Maha Bodhi Society of India was founded by Anagarika Dhammapala in May, 1891 for the purpose of resuscitation Buddhism in India and of restoring the ancient Buddhist shrines at Buddha Gaya, Sarnath and Kushinara. Having its Headquarters in Calcutta its main attention has been paid in the restoration and revival of the glory and sanctity of Buddha Gaya. For this he founded the Society’s first Centre at Buddha Gaya. Then centers were established in Sarnath, Sanchi, Lucknow, Orissa, New Delhi, Chennai Ajmer, Bangalore etc. MBS (Maha Bodhi Society) Public School is also managed under the aegis of Maha Bodhi Society of India, Odisha Centre.
The award list of Odipex-2014 is available at following link :
Gulpex-2014, Philatelic Exhibition at Gulbarga : 23rd - 24th August 2014
North Karnataka Postal Region organised Gulpex-2014, philatelic exhibition on 23rd and 24th August 2014 at Gulbarga. Gulbarga, Bidar, Bijapur and Raichur postal divisions were covered under this exhibition. A Special Cover was issued on 23rd August 2014 during the exhibition. Special Cover depicts Gulbarga Fort and the cancellation depicts a Canon.
My Stamps to mark 75 years of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) – 8th August 2014.
Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), founded in 1939 is the premier professional association of pharmacists in India, with a member base of over 10,000, spread across the length & breadth of the nation. IPA operates in India through 17 state branches and more than 33 local branches. The members represent various facets of pharmaceutical profession viz. Industry, regulatory, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy & education. IPA is also actively associated in managing several academic programmes.
Prof. Mahadeva the Association. Dr. B. Suresh, Vice Chancellor, JSS University, Guest of Honour & Dr. B.R. Jagashetty, Former Drugs Controller for the state of Karnataka, Chief Patron IPA Convention, 2014 released Platinum Jubilee My Stamps.
On 8th August 2014, IPA Convention, 2014 was organised on at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore. The convention was hosted by IPA Karnataka State Branch. During the Convention My Stamps with logo of Platinum Jubilee year were released to commemorate the 75 years of the Association. Dr. B. Suresh, Vice Chancellor, JSS University, Guest of Honour & Dr. B.R. Jagashetty, Former Drugs Controller for the state of Karnataka, Chief Patron IPA Convention, 2014 released Platinum Jubilee My Stamps.
Courtesy : Indian Philately Digest
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