World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day is celebrated internationally each year on 2 February. It marks the anniversary of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) in Ramsar, Iran, on 2 February 1971.World Wetlands Day was first celebrated in 1997. Since then government agencies, non-government organisations and community groups have celebrated World Wetlands Day by undertaking actions to raise public awareness of wetland values and benefits and promote the conservation and wise use of wetlands. These activities include seminars, nature walks, festivals, launches of new policies, announcement of new Ramsar sites, newspaper articles, radio interviews and wetland rehabilitation.
World Wetlands Day 2009
The international theme for World Wetlands Day 2009 is "Upstream-Downstream: Wetlands connect us all". This is in recognition of how interconnected we all are within river basins and the impact that activities upstream have on the lower parts of a river catchment.
Wetlands have numerous functions:
- Wetlands provide habitat for plants and animals such as amphibians, fish, reptiles, mammals and birds .
- Wetlands help control flood waters by acting like a giant sponge, absorbing water during heavy rainfall then slowly releasing it back into the ecosystem.
-Wetlands can assist in erosion control as they are often located between water bodies and high ground. The roots of the vegetation help to protect soil from high impact events such as wave action or heavy rainfall events .
- Wetlands are important culturally and for recreational activities .
- Wetlands enhance water quality as they act like giant kidneys, purifying and processing nutrients, suspended materials and other pollutants .
Date of Issue - 13 February 2009

University of Jaywerdenpura
Date of Issue - 18 February 2009
Niket Bubna writes from US.......

This is in reference with the recent stamp release on well-known industrialist KK Birla (Mar 13, 09). The vernacular spelling of Shri Birla's name is different when compared to the one appearing on the postage stamp released to honour his father, leading industrialist and educationist, Shri G D Birla (June 11, 1984).

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