21 October 2012

Sustainable Energy For All…




The United Nation has designated 2012 as the ‘International Year of Sustainable Energy for All’ in order to increase awareness of the importance of addressing energy issues including the energy services for all, access to affordable energy, energy efficiency and the sustainability of energy sources and use; and for promotion of the internationally agreed development through sustainable and peaceful way. The year celebration combines these challenges with the goal of low pollution trying to meet the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations.


Sustainable energy is defined as "the energy produced and used in ways that support long-term human development in a social, economic and ecological scale." Therefore, sustainable energy for all is linked to a sustainable future for development and poverty alleviation.

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The future of our nation depends upon the development of all. Students also have the important share and role in nation’s future. They are supposed to be the pillars of the nation. Thus their energy needs necessarily are important.


Postage stamps  are issued by different countries like Greifenberg, San Marino, Canada and Spain as part of this YEAR celebration to create and improve awareness about energy and its conservation. They give message with focus on use of endless natural sources such as wind and solar etc. The term "for all" is represented by the ability to produce energy in self-sufficient environment such as the lighted cabin using these natural resources.

I as a student appeal Department of Post and Government of India to issue a postage stamp to participate the international year celebration on Sustainable Energy for All…

- Chinmay Nawlakhe, email : cnawlakhe@yahoo.com 

L. B. S. Vidyalaya, Bhandara, Maharastra

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