31 January 2010

Club News




Philatelic Exhibition in Calcutta University

Freeze Frame

A Calcutta University Cine Carnival held at Calcutta University 12-15th January 2010 at Ritwik Hall, Hardinge Building.

Organized by Media Studies: Film and Television in association with Cine Central, Calcutta and American Centre.

On 12th there was an interactive session- Topic: The need of Classics: in search of a context, Speaker Prof. Sanjay Mukhopadhyay, Jadavpur University.
followed by film show, Zabrieski point ( Michaelangelo Antonioni, italy) and The Journy ( Fernando Solanas, Cuba)

On13th-interactive session- Topic:  Reading contemporary cinema: reviewing perspective, followed by film show from Korea and Portugal.

On 14th-interactive session- Topic:  Students Film: the birth of a new Avant Garde followed by Students’ film show.

15th interactive session- Topic:  Civil Rights Day- Hollywood Cinema as Adaptation- Remarks by Mr. P. Cummins, Director, American Centre
Films shown- Malcom X 9 Spike Lee, USA, Front Page ( Billy Wilders, USA and Grapes of Wrath ( John Ford, USA.


During this period Calcutta University organized a Philatelic Exhibition on Cinema from the collection of Shri Dipok Dey. This is for the first time Calcutta University organized a philatelic exhibition. This mini exhibition has an impact on the academic front. For the future they are planning for a big philatelic exhibition and workshop.

30 January 2010

Vande Matram !!

Hi ! I am happy to share this recent replica from Pride of India Collection. This is Vande Matram – our National song. India Post issued a commemorative stamp on 30 December 1976 in honor of this patriotic song. Its gold plated replica is shown here . It is out of 25 best Indian stamps selected for this series. This is all in tonight’s Post….Till Next Post ….Have a Nice Time !


Vande Matram Centenary – Stamp Issue Date – 30 December 1976


For more details log on to http://www.prideofindiacollection.com/

Vande Mataram

Bankin Chandra composed the song Vande Mataram in an inspired moment, Rabindranath sang it by setting a glorious tune to it and it was left to the genius of Shri Aurobindo to interpret the deeper meaning of the song out of which India received the philosophy of new Nationalism. The English translation of Vande Mataram rendered by Shree Aurobindo, is considered as official and best .

Vande Mataram (Sanskrit: Vande Mātaram "I do homage to the mother";is a poem in the 1882 novel by Anandamatha by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay. It is written in a mixture of Bengali and Sanskrit. It is a hymn to the goddess Durga, identified as the national personification of Bengal. It came to be considered the "National Anthem of Bengal", and it played a part in the Indian independence movement, first sung in a political context by Rabindranath Tagore at the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress. In 1950, its first two verses were given the official status of "national song" of the Republic of India, distinct from the national anthem of India Jana Gana Mana.

Vande Matram -The National Song of India

Vande maataraM
sujalaaM suphalaaM malayaja shiitalaaM
SasyashyaamalaaM maataram ||
Shubhrajyotsnaa pulakitayaaminiiM
pullakusumita drumadala shobhiniiM
suhaasiniiM sumadhura bhaashhiNiiM
sukhadaaM varadaaM maataraM ||
Koti koti kantha kalakalaninaada karaale
koti koti bhujai.rdhR^itakharakaravaale
abalaa keno maa eto bale
bahubaladhaariNiiM namaami taariNiiM
ripudalavaariNiiM maataraM ||
Tumi vidyaa tumi dharma
tumi hR^idi tumi marma
tvaM hi praaNaaH shariire

Baahute tumi maa shakti
hR^idaye tumi maa bhakti
tomaara i pratimaa gaDi
mandire mandire ||

TvaM hi durgaa dashapraharaNadhaariNii
kamalaa kamaladala vihaariNii
vaaNii vidyaadaayinii namaami tvaaM

Namaami kamalaaM amalaaM atulaaM
SujalaaM suphalaaM maataraM ||
ShyaamalaaM saralaaM susmitaaM bhuushhitaaM
DharaNiiM bharaNiiM maataraM |"

English Translation of Vande Matram by Shri Aurbindo

Mother, I bow to thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When the sword flesh out in the seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Though who savest, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foeman drove
Back from plain and Sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleams,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi



Picture 053


Today is 62nd  Death Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Nation Pays homage to Father of the Nation. Here are souvenir replica issued by Gujarat Postal  Circle in honour of Mahatma Gandhi which features the Gens of Indian Philately. I am sharing this beautiful replica here. My special thanks to Dr Henmant Kulkrani who has sent me the magnificent stamp  (shown above) & FDC  issued by UNPA in honour of this great Indian Leader. I express my gratitude to Dr Kulkarni for  this special stamp  with traffic lights and  UNPA enblem on the tab . I also express my thanks to veteran philatelist of our country, Prof Venkatesh Yalvigi of Bangalore for his special philatelic tribute to our  Father of Nation ! This post is dedicated to The all great leaders of the world who sacrificed their life for their Nation  !!

Gems of Indian Philately

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Was there a man in flesh and blood whom many of us Have seen, read and heard, whose image was chosen for stamps, coins & currency Notes of more than hundred countries of the world in our life time?

Yes there was a man! Only one man! ! He was Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi ! Universally known as Mahatma Gandhi. Only Gandhi who lived as a very ordinary man but died as Martyr, who gave the world, the world of sophisticated weapons, the world that vied for each others blood, the world full of hate & selfishness, by the only balm of love and sacrifice, by the only remedy of Satyagraha known as Non Violence and “Non-Cooperation” the ultimate theory of “Do or Die” So that the millions might live and let live.

Mahatma was a messiah of India who walked into huts or palaces to remove the tears and bestow the joys. Such a man - Mahatma, has been honoured all over the world on many  commemorative stamps first day covers & special cancellations . More than hundred countries of the world have issued more than 250 stamps in all. Coins and currency notes have been issued mostly in India and very few countries in the world.

Picture 053


2ND OCTOBER 2009, - the 140th Birthday of our Mahatma Gandhiji is declared as “NON VIOLENCE DAY” to be observed every year by the all the Nations of the world. This is the resolution of the World body- to commemorate this the UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION (UNO) has issued a Special Gandhi stamp of $1. & a special cover with 2-10-2009 cancellation this year.. Probably GANDHIJI is the only personality who has this honour bestowed by the world body -UNO ! WHAT AN HONOUR TO “ FATHER OF OUR NATION!”




A sand sculpture of Mahatma Gandhi

Sand Sculpture event to mark Gandhi’s death anniversary in Porbandar

The Government of Gujarat has organized a grand sand-sculpture event at Porbandar chowpatty on 30th January 2010, death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Orissa based renown sand sculptor artist Manmohan Mahapatra   has trained about 70 students in Porbandar who will create various sand sculptures at Porbandar chowpatty on 29th and 30th January. A sand sculpture of Porbandar’s famous Kirti Mandir, birth place of Mahatma Gandhi will also be made.

Mahapatra s would make 40 by 15 ft size grand sand-sculpture, about 70 students trained by him since 6 January this year will create smaller sculptures in about 300 meter area using around five thousand square ft coastal sand.

29 January 2010

Club News



Date of Issue – 19 December 2009

Hi ! Here is the latest arrival of Miniature sheet and sheetlet of the recent issue, “Preserve The Polar Regions and Glaciers.” These are available only at select Philatelic Bureaus of India. Here is a nice cover issued recently in Agra. The cover was issued by jointly  Rotary International and India Post for campaign “ Go Polio Forever”. The cover also features Taj on the emblem of Rotary International. I have a news clipping to share with all of you that appeared in Hindi Daily Amar Ujala on 26th Jan. It is about a Post office in Uttaranchal which functions for 3 months only in a year. It is a tradition from British Period when Britishers opened a temporary Post Office in a Rest House at a place, 22 Kms form Nainital called Dhoopchor  where they used to work from 15 April to 30 June. After their return the staff also shifted to a  nearby Post office at Mehar Gaon place. This tradition still continues and post office runs here from 15 April to 15 June every year. My sincere thanks to Mr Shrikant Parikh of Ahmedabad & Mr Atul Agarwal of Aligarh for  today’s Post. This is all in Today’s Post……Till Next Post……Have a Nice Time !


Preserve the Polar Regions & Glaciers - Sheetlet


End Polio Now ! – 9 January 2010 ( Rotary emblem shows Taj in the centre)

Post Office that opens for 3 months….


Picture 051

Published in Amar Ujala -  26 January 2010


2010 Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Awards 

Smithsonian National Postal Museum Now Soliciting Nominations  

The National Postal Museum is currently soliciting nominations for philatelists who will be recognized with the 2010 Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Awards. The award honors Americans and individuals from around the world for outstanding lifetime accomplishments in the field of philately. The achievements can include original research that significantly advances our understanding of philately and postal history; exceptional service to the philatelic community; and the overall promotion of philately for the benefit of current and future collectors. Awards will be presented at the museum in October of 2010.

Nominations can be submitted by any individual or organization. Self-nominations will not be accepted. The nomination must be a stand-alone justification of why the candidate is being proposed and the candidate should not be aware of the nomination. The individual's lifetime philatelic achievements must be delineated in the nomination. The justifications must be between 500 - 1,000 words in length. Nominations must be received by the Nominating Committee by March 1, 2010.

The nomination must be sent in writing to the: Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Award Nominating Committee, National Postal Museum, PO Box 37012, MRC-570, Washington, DC 20013-7012.

28 January 2010

New Stamp on Rainbow…



Atmospheres 65p

Hi ! In today’s Post I wish to share a nice information about a magnificent set issued by Falkland Islands on 25 January 2010 depicting four seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. One of the stamp showing autumn shows a lovely Rainbow. My thanks to Mr Suraj Jaitly of Ludhiana who sent me this information. In Club News read about fair, auction and special cover. I want to mention here that a great work is going to be done by Philatelic Society of Malaysia. The society is holding a charity auction on 28 February to aid  the victims of Haiti Earthquake. Its a great idea of this philatelic society to help the victims  in such a nice way. I am  thankful to Mr.Thevaryan Srinivasan of Malaysia for sharing this new with our readers. This is all for Today !……Till Next Post….Have a Nice Time !!

Atmospheres FDC


Four Seasons  - Date of Issue – 25 January 2010

Club News

New Special Cover on Jainism

Satna Cover 16-1-2010

Date of Issue – 16 January 2010

To commemorate the Shri 1008 Shrimajjinendra Jinbimb Panchkalyanak Pratishtha & Tray Gajrath Mahotsava,a special cover has been issued at Satna (M.P.) on 16th January 2010. Indian Postal Department provided a special cancellation on this occasion. The special cover depicts colourful Gajrath alongwith the images of 11 feet high idol of Bhagwan Shantinath situated in the Satna Digamber Jain Mandir and Pujya Acharya Vidhyasagar Ji Maharaj. Special cancellation depicts image of Bhagwan Parshwanath.

Central India Philatelic Society was instrumental in issuance of this Special Cover and Special Cancellation. These covers are available with  Mr. Sudhir Jain, Secretary, Central India Philatelic Society, Sushma Press Compound, SATNA (M.P.) 485 005 E-mail : centralindphil@yahoo.com / mrsudhirjain@yahoo.com). Phone : 07672 - 257121 to 125, 414000 Fax : 07672 – 257131  Website : http://www.mrsudhirjain.com/

Charity Auction for Victims of Haiti Earthquake

Philatelic Society of Malaysia will hold special charity auction in aid to the victims of Haiti earthquake. It will be held at MBPJ Library on the 28th February 2010 at 10am.All, including the public are welcome.


Philatelic Fair in Malaysia

Philatelic Society Malaysia Philatelic Fair 2010

27 January 2010

New Stamps from Israel


Hi ! In today’s Post, here are the lovely stamps on birds being issued by Israel today.The birds featured on the stamps are: - Graceful Prinia – Goldfinch & – Hoopoe. These stamps have also bird picture on their tabs . In club News, recent exhibition news, request & suggestions from our readers. This is all for Today….Till Next Post ….Have a Nice Time !


Date of Issue – 27 January 2010


Gold Flinch

Graceful Prinia

Club News


Ludhiana Philatelic Club is planning to hold a State Level Philatelic Exhibition “STAMP FIESTA-2010” from May 6-8, 2010 at Ludhiana. For further details contact at -

Chairman “Stamp-Fiesta – 2010”

Dr. S.K. Sondhi

20 - A, Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana – 141 001.Mobile: 98156 57647

Ph. 0161- 2455344 Ph.: 0161-2740184. E-Mail: info.sf2010@gmail.com


Secretary “Stamp-Fiesta – 2010”

Mr. Mukesh Malhotra

B III 1266, Bajwa Nagar, St. No.1, Ludhiana – 141 008.
Mobile: 90230 84608, 94173 49808 E Mail : secretary.sf2010@gmail.com

Our Readers write…

--Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur CG

Display of frames of different members/exhibits is really a nice idea .But no comments.......
May I suggest you one thing. Why don't you form a panel of experts ............... or if possible a few members from National Jury or the members with at least International Participation and ask the panel to give judgment or comment on exhibit and even give MARKS... Their report on the exhibit should be reflected which in turn will help the viewer to know more about the exhibit. The scope of improvement etc. etc.... It's like online learning. This will set a very good trend . The Rainbow Club will just not be a news club but a real club which facilitates the members to have look at the collections of other members, their interaction,to help and guide them and also tell them where and how to make improvement. I hope you will give due consideration to this suggestion. Display of Mr. Sridhar's ENERGY exhibit is very good.

Readers are requested to send their views on above suggestion…-J.Jyoti

--Sanjeev Jain, Dehradun

I am collecting all permanent cancellations marking by Indian Post . Readers are requested to send pictorial cancellation of their city to me & in exchange I 'll send pictorial cancellation of my city .

Sanjeev Jain , 97 Kanwali Road, Opp. Police Post, Dehradun - 248001
jainsanjiv@live.com mob9319988527

--Vijay Seth, New Delhi

I am collecting Issues of Internatiomal Polar year from different countries. I would like to exchange mint issues on this theme from collectors all over the world.

E Mail : stampstodayindia@gmail.com

--Önder Karakadılar, Turkey

We are working on a Philatelic Project in our country and our students organize it very well. The project name is "My Philately World" and the owner of this project is 8 years old primary school's students. Our projact website is http://myphilatelyworld.izmit75yilcumhuriyetio.k12.tr
We are looking for some schools in Europe that we can join together to Comenius which is part of the wider European Union Education Programme, Socrates.

-Önder Karakadılar , Coordinator, İzmit 75. Yıl Cumhuriyet Primary School ‘Turkey

E-Mail : editor@izmit75yilcumhuriyetio.k12.tr

26 January 2010

Greetings on Repulic Day ...

Freedom is not only a Right but a Feeling!

Let's be proud to feel the Freedom! Let's say loud we are INDIANS !!!

Greetings to all Indians on Republic Day living in every corner of the world !!

25 January 2010

My Recent Rainbows…..


Picture 052

~ The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. ~ John Vance Cheney


Hi ! Here are some beautiful Rainbows that have been recently added to my collection. With these additions I just dream that some day I would  have the best Rainbows in my collection…For this my great thanks to Dr Hemant V. Kulkarni who has enriched my collection by these lovely covers and stamps shown here. It would have never become so beautiful without his kind help. I express my My deepest gratitude to Dr Hemant V. Kulkarni of Milwaukee – USA for these magnificent Rainbow Covers !!  & Mr Sekhar Cahkraborty of Kolkatta who gifted me the most beautiful Will’s Cigarette label featuring a Rainbow. Here are some nice quotes related with Rainow which I love to read again & again !! This is all for this Post……Till Next Post …..Have a Wonderful Time !!


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~ When you reduce life to black and white, you never see rainbows. ~  Rachel Houston


Picture 051

~ Triumphant arch, that fill's the sky when storms prepare to part. ~  Thomas Campbell

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“The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.”

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And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors over me. – Black Elk

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“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true”- Lyman Frank Baum


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“Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” - Dream is a Wish in Your Heart

My Special Thanks to Dr Hemant V. Kulkarni, Milwaukee USA for these wonderful Covers & Stamps !

What Causes the Rainbow ??


Picture 053

This beautiful Will’s Cigarette special label with a Rainbow was gifted to me by Mr Sekhar Chakraborty at Stampmania 2009, Vadodara. It’s a wonderful item for my Rainbow collection. On the reverse side It gives the details “ What Causes the Rainbow ? ”

Picture 054

My special thanks to Mr Sekhar Chakraborty, Calcutta for this beautiful Rainbow.

24 January 2010

Vancouver 2010 ...

Date of Issue - 22 January 2010

Hi ! Here is a wonderful stamp on Vancouver 2010 issued by US Postal Service on 22 January 2010.The stamp features an illustration of a snowboarder. The stamp was issued on Jan. 22 to coincide with the XXI Olympic Winter Games, which will be held Feb. 12-28 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The illustrator of the stamp Steve McCracken captures the thrill of one Olympic sport by portraying an airborne snowboarder against the backdrop of a snow-capped mountain. Well this beautiful stamp reminds me of heavy snow of Chopal, Shimla where local children used to make their own skateboards with wooden piece and wheels to enjoy the thrill of snow on sloping roads.....That was really nice to see them.....This is all for today.....Till Next Post ....Have a Geat Time !

23 January 2010

150 Years of Polish Post Stamps


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Dae of Issue - 15 January 2010

Hi ! It has been a long time that I have not written about recent issues. Today I have chosen the first issue of Poland of this year.It is the recent Miniature sheet issued by Poland to commemorate 150 years of Polish Post Stamps. It’s a beautiful souvenir sheet with the first stamps of Poland used on a letter and the FDC is equally beautiful depicting the close view of the first Polish postage stamp.The first Polish stamps have been featured on some earlier issues of Poland which I have given below, This is all  for Today !…..Till Next Post…..Have a Great Time !

poland 2

150 Years of Polish Post Stamps

The fist postage stamps to appear on Polish Lands were issued in 1850. This was under the occupation by Austria and Prussia.
The first Polish Postage Stamp was issued on 1st January 1860 circular No. 13 of the Royal Polish Post office dating from 14th December 1859. This stamp replaced the Russian stamps, then in circulation from 13 January 1858.
The first Polish Postage Stamp bearing the Coat of Arms of Polish Kingdom was used for internal use in the country of Poland and also in Russia. All other letters to foreign countries were sent by paying cash for postage. This stamp was withdrawn on 13th April 1865 and replaced by Russian stamp.
Earlier the reproductions of the first Polish Stamps were issued by the Polish Office on the following stamps


history_clip_image003    yui  history_clip_image002

                                           1990                                                       1960                                    1979

Courtesy – Polish Post

22 January 2010

Energy and its Resources..


14.Save Energy Save Mankind-2


Hi ! In today’s Post I want share an exhibit by our member Mr K. Sridhar from Mangalore. This exhibit was also displayed in recent One Frame National Philatelic Exhibition Stampmania 2009 held at Vadodara and was awarded Topaz. Readers are requested to give their valuable suggestion and comments on the exhibits displayed on this blog. It is a great pleasure for me to publish here some nice exhibits by our members. This is all for this Morning !…….Till Next Post….Have a Great Time !




06.Fossil Fuel-2






Exhibit by Mr. K. Sridhar, Mangalore (Karnataka)

Mr K. Sridhar is working as Senior Manager (Systems) in Mangalore. Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited.  He is a Life Member of Dakshina Kannada Philatelic and Numismatic Association, Mangalore and Member of South India Philatelic Association, Chennai.  His other favourite theme is  LIGHTHOUSE, for which he won 1. SILVER BRONZE in Karnapex'2004, Dharwad 2. SILVER in Karnapex'2007, Bangalore & 3. SILVER BRONZE in Inpex'2008, Chennai. Mr K. Sridhar may be contacted at : krishnaraosridhar@yahoo.com

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