Date of Issue -25 April 2008
Hi ! Many of you will be surprised to read the title of today's Post ! But its true that I got my most favourite stamp of Poland depicting a Rainbow with full set in a complete sheetlet. When I received the envelope I was thrilled to see the complete meterological phenomenon set on it. But When I opened it I was overjoyed to find full sheetlet of these magificent stamps. Many thanks to my blogger friend Andrzej of Poland who did such a big favour to me by sending these stamps to me. Thanks a lot Mr. Andrezej for these Rainbow stamps from a beautiful country. Well, I am a great fan of Polish stamps. The designs of all the stamps are always very exclusive depicting great sense of aesthetics ! I cann't find a suitable word for these philatelic beauties I just can say fabulous and awesome ! While I am writing this post, I am full of immense pleasure and it is the happiest moment for me that I am showing here my most favourite stamps which I was looking for a long time! Now I got it and I am overjoyed and sharing the beautiful sheetlet with all of you. In fact the whole set seems to be in Rainbow colors and I personally find the set as one of the most beautiful sets ever issued by a nation. See some more stamps on Rainbow in my earlier posts with label Rainbow ! This is all for Today.....Till next Post ....Have a Nice Time ! 
Courtesy - Andrzej
Polska Post that issues the most beautiful stamps in the world !
The four stamps shown above depict following Meterological phenomenon.
Sand blizzard - the sand being carried up high above the ground level by the strong, hot wind. It can be very arduous for the inhabitants of the desert areas.
Lightnings - The atmospheric electric discharges, born in the high rainclouds (cumulonimbus) in the result of the great temperature gradient and the strong wind. The lightning in fact is an electric spark, zeroing the charge difference between the cloud and the earth or between two individual clouds.
Rainbow - an arch of the diffracted sunlight. It emerges in the result of refraction, diffraction and the total internal reflection of solar rays in the small raindrops in the atmosphere. It is visible only if the Sun shines from behind of the observer and is sufficiently low (less than 40 degrees) above the horizon.
Tornado - a great funnel shaped whirl of air and liquefied water vapor, reaching up to the clouds. It rotates with enormous speed (400 km/h, for example, and creates giant difference of pressure inside. If it touches the earth, it destroys everything on its way, leaving behind a few hundreds meter wide trace of ruins on a distance of some 10-20 km.
Really nice stamps from Poland, I did not know them.
PS: I'm working on the translator for my blog
Thank you ...:)
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