Date of Issue - 4 March 2009
Hi ! Here are the recent wonderful Giant stamps from New Zealand issued on 4 March 2009 depicting its natural heritage. These stamps are 28 percent larger than normal stamps with the images of some rare giant animals of New Zealnd . New Zealand’s biodiversity is one of the most unusual on Earth, owing to its lengthy isolation from other continents. It's fauna reflects this uniqueness, evolving into distinctive and often enormous native birds, such as the giant moa and giant eagle, archaic insects like the giant weta, and mammoth ocean dwellers including the colossal squid and southern right whale. The stamps are brightly coloured with bold images of the animals giving a complete giant appearance of these rare animals. All five creatures featured on the stamps come together to form a uniquely shaped miniature sheet. The FDCs , stamps and Miniature sheets are equally amazing and going to be a collector's delight. Enjoy these fantastic issues from New Zealand ! .......& ...Have a Nice Time !

50c – Giant MoaBelieved to have become extinct around 500 years ago, the South Island giant moa was the tallest bird ever, with some reaching a massive three metres in height.
$1.00 – Colossal SquidFrom the depths of the southern oceans comes the colossal squid with its formidable tentacles equipped with sharp, swivelling hooks.Historically captured by a New Zealand fishing boat off Antarctica in 2007.

$1.50 – Southern Right WhaleA favourite of early whalers owing to their size and slow speed, southern right whales were easier to catch and yielded more oil than other whales. Hence, the early settlers described this giant species as ‘the right whale’. It rightly earns a spot as a Giant of New Zealand in this collection.
$2.00 – Giant EagleNew Zealand's giant eagle was the world’s largest eagle, believed to have become extinct around the same time as the giant moa. This littleknown ‘Lord of the forest’ with its tiger-like talons and three-metre wingspan, returns in this very special Giants series.
$2.50 – Giant WetaDespite its horror-movie looks, this 10-centimetre-long insect is a peaceful creature, eating mostly leaves, flowers and fruit. With most species of giant weta endangered, it now survives mainly on protected islands.
Courtesy - New Zealand Post
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