07 April 2018

Birdpex 8, Mondorf-les-Baines

The BIRDPEX 8, a international philatelic Salon, will be held in Mondorf-les-Baines (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) from May 19th 2018 to May 21th 2018. The organizer of this philatel c event is the philatelic Club PHILCOLUX  of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, www.philcolux.lu

42 exhibitors will be shown  52 exhibits on Ornithology.The exhibitors are from eight different countries like Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ukraine, Israel and India.

From India,  participant  exhibitors are :

1.Krishnamoothy J.(Villapuram) with the exhibit BIRD - A MESSENGER OF PEACE- A SYMBOL OF LOVE (4 Frames)

2. Srinivasan Paramasivam (Gurgaon) with the exhibits - MAGPIE IN NATURE AND MYTH (one Frame), THE WORLD OF FLAMINGOS (one frame) and THE NATIONAL PFRIDE OF INDIA: PEACOCK A BIRD  AND SYMBOL(one frame).

3. Divekar Mrugank D. (Mumbai) with the exhibit - EAGLE AND OWL (3 Frames-youth class)

During the exhibition  a pictorial  postmark , a Special cover, a Special postcard and two personalized stamps will be available .
All items are featuring the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica).

- Wolfgang Beyer ,BDPh (German Philatelic Federation) and AIJP.

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