10 March 2018

For Bird Lovers...

New stamps and postmark on birds from Luxembourg

Two stamps (personalized) and one pictorial postmark will be available on 19th May 2018 in L- 5600 MONDORF-LES-BAINES, GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG . 

The stamps and the pictorial postmark are featuring the Barn swallow(Hirundo rustica).
Both philatelic items (stamps/postmark) honors the international philatelic exhibition BIRDPEX 8 which will be held in Mondorf-les-Baines from  19th to 21st May 2018.

New pictorial postmark on wolf from Germany 

On April 7th 2018   a new pictorial postmark 
will be available in 21391 REPPENSTEDT.
The postmark is featuring the head  of  wolf (Canis lupus).

- Wolfgang Beyer, BDPh (German Philatelic Federation) & AIJP

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