Rainbow Stamp Club is for all Stamp lovers and objective of this club is to create philatelic fraternity around the world.
Date of Issue : 12 November 2011
Chunghwa Post ( Taiwan Post ) issued a set of five stamps on railway branch lines. These stamps are printed in the format of a vertical se-tenant .
11.11.11 covers
Received these nice 11.11.11 Covers created by Prof VS Yalvigi, Bangalore
Special Covers : SURPEX 2011
Made in Italy : "Fratelli Carli"
Date of Issue : 19 November 2011
Italian Post has issued two new stamps on 18th and 19th November 2011. The one shown above is of famous Made in Italy series and the other featuring Palace of the Mint of Italian unification in Rome.
Issuance of a definitive stamp belonging to the series theme "Made in Italy" Fratelli Carli dedicated to the centenary of the foundation
Cartoon depicting in stylized, graphic design elements related to the company Fratelli Carli: the background, the sea and a hill with cultivation of olive trees, left a demijohn and a truck in the foreground with the old word "Fratelli Carli" .
Completing the legends the stamp "MADE IN ITALY"
Date of Issue : 18 November 2011
Palace of the Mint of Italian unification in Rome
Vignette depicts the main facade of the Palace with the partial reproduction of the Mint, to the left of the coin by Attilio Motti, 1927, made for the fifteen years of the "New Mint" on the right design continues over the prospect of a medal, in lower left, three vertical stripes in the colors of the tricolor, completing the stamp to the legend "THE PALACE OF ITALY BRAND UNITS".
From our Readers…
Private FDCs
Created by Boben J E, Trivandrum
Date of Issue : 18 November 2011
French Post issued a stamp yesterday to commemorate the Discovery of Insulin in the year 1921. Here is the detailed story behind Insulin that cures millions of diabetic patients…
Story behind INSULIN
In 1869 Paul Langerhans, a medical student in Berlin, was studying the structure of the pancreas under a microscope when he identified some previously unnoticed tissue clumps scattered throughout the bulk of the pancreas. The function of the “little heaps of cells”, later known as the islets of Langerhans, was unknown, but Edouard Laguesse later suggested they might produce secretions that play a regulatory role in digestion. Paul Langerhans’ son, Archibald, also helped to understand this regulatory role. The term “insulin” origins from insula, the Latin word for islet/island.
In 1889, the Polish-German physician Oscar Minkowski, in collaboration with Joseph von Mering, removed the pancreas from a healthy dog to test its assumed role in digestion. Several days after the dog’s pancreas was removed, Minkowski’s animal keeper noticed a swarm of flies feeding on the dog’s urine. On testing the urine, they found there was sugar in the dog’s urine, establishing for the first time a relationship between the pancreas and diabetes. In 1901, another major step was taken by Eugene Opie, when he clearly established the link between the islets of Langerhans and diabetes: “Diabetes mellitus… is caused by destruction of the islets of Langerhans and occurs only when these bodies are in part or wholly destroyed.” Before his work, the link between the pancreas and diabetes was clear, but not the specific role of the islets.
Over the next two decades, several attempts were made to isolate whatever it was the islets produced as a potential treatment. In 1906, George Ludwig Zuelzer was partially successful treating dogs with pancreatic extract, but was unable to continue his work. Between 1911 and 1912, E.L. Scott at the University of Chicago used aqueous pancreatic extracts, and noted “a slight diminution of glycosuria”, but was unable to convince his director of his work’s value; it was shut down. Israel Kleiner demonstrated similar effects at Rockefeller University in 1915, but his work was interrupted by World War I, and he did not return to it.
Nicolae Paulescu, a Romanian professor of physiology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, was the first to isolate insulin, in 1916, which he called at that time, pancrein, by developing an aqueous pancreatic extract which, when injected into a diabetic dog, proved to have a normalizing effect on blood sugar levels. He had to interrupt his experiments because the World War I and in 1921 he wrote four papers about his work carried out in Bucharest and his tests on a diabetic dog. Later that year, he detailed his work by publishing an extensive whitepaper on the effect of the pancreatic extract injected into a diabetic animal, which he called: “Research on the Role of the Pancreas in Food Assimilation”.
Only 8 months later, the discoveries he published were copied (or, as some say, confirmed) by doctor Frederick Grant Banting and biochemist John James Rickard Macleod, who were later awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of insulin in 1923, which Paulescu discovered as early as 1916. By the time Banting also isolated insulin, Paulescu already held a patent for his discovery and he was the first to secure the patent rights for his method of manufacturing pancreine/insulin (April 10, 1922, patent no. 6254 (8322) “Pancreina şi procedeul fabricaţiei ei”/”Pancrein and the process of making it”, from the Romanian Ministry of Industry and Trade). Moreover, Banting was very familiar with Paulescu’s work, he even used Paulescu’s “Research on the Role of the Pancreas in Food Assimilation” as reference in the paper that brought him the Nobel.
Source : Stamp Land
11.11.11 Covers
Hi ! Just received some more covers with 11.11.11 date from my Friends and Readers. Many thanks to all of you for making this date very special !!
Vijay Modi, Himmat Nagar ( Gujarat)
R, Kasinath – Thanjavur ( Tamil Nadu)
Ankit Agarwal, Pune
Hemant Jain, Mandla (MP)
19 November - Birth Anniversary of Mrs Indira Gandhi
Today is Birth Anniversary of late Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi. Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (19 November 1917 – 31 October 1984) was a great Indian politician who served as prime minister of India for three consecutive terms (1966–77) and a fourth term (1980–84). She was the second female to hold the office of prime minister (after Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka) and she remains as the world's second longest serving female Prime Minister .
Philatelic Tributes to Indira Gandhi
On the Birth Anniversary of Mrs Indira Gandhi, Vipan Kumar of Chandigarh shares here some Maxim Cards prepared by him !!
A gala Stamp and Stationery Mela is going to be organized at Bhubaneswar, Odisha for the 1st time by Eastern India Philatelists’ Association, Bhubaneshwar.
Date : 7 - 8th January 2012.
Venue : Hotel Keshari, Master Canteen Square, (Near Bhubaneswar Railway Station).
Dealers package: Rs 4000 per PERSON for 2 days inclusive of Food and room rent. (Twin Sharing Basis).
Co-ordinator : Mr. Shanti Swarup Rath, e-mail – sswaruprath@gmail.com Cell: 09437034621
Dr. Bibhudatta Mishra, e-mail – bhanubibhu@gmail.com Cell: 09437282638
Interested Dealers are requested to contact the coordinators either by Phone or e-mail and submit the following details.
Name _____________________
Mobile Number______________
E-mail ID ___________________
Mode of Payment: Either by Demand Draft or Payable at par Cheque or in any other mode with prior discussion with the coordinators.
11.11.11 Covers
Just received some more Covers of 11.11.11 from my friends. Thanks to all of you and making this date very special !!
Ajay Agarwal, Akola
Arvind Mullick, Jabalpur
Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur (CG)
Jyothi Priya, Mandya ( Karnataka)
Stamp Sathi , Bhavnagar - Gujarat
A special Booklet on Children’s day was released yesterday in Ahmedabad by Ms Humera Ahmed, CPMG of Gujarat Postal Circle. This beautiful booklet contains following pages. On one of the pages important links of PHILATELIC WEBSITES AND BLOGS are given. The list also includes the link of Rainbow Stamp Club. I thank Gujarat Postal Circle for including the link in their list !!
It is a beautiful stamp Booklet and a nice collectible item for children and all stamp collectors . This Booklet is priced @ Rs 60 and is available at Ahmedabad ( Ph. 079 25501248) , Vadodara and Rajkot Philatelic Bureau. For more details contact email : cpmggujarat@indianpost.gov.in
: Shrikant Parikh , Ahmedabad www.setenantsofindia.blogspot.com
Polish Post and Swdish Post will jointly issue postage stamp on Marie Curie to commemorate the International Year of Chemistry .
Marie Skłodowska Curie (7 November 1867-4 July 1934) was a Polish-born physicist and chemist, who later received French citizenship. One hundred years ago, Polish-born Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. The UN has designated 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry.
Club News
Rajkot stamp Exhibition
A Philatelic Exhibition will be held in Rajkot, Gujarat from 19th to 21st Nov 2011.
: VIJAY MODI. Himmat Nagar – Gujarat
New Website on Gandhi Philately
A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi : www.gandhiworld.in
On 01/10/11 I have hosted a website which displays my exclusive Gandhiji's collections.This bilingual (both Tamil & English) website was inaugurated by Mr.V.Kalyanam who was then Gandhiji's personal secretary. This website contains Gandhiji's memorabilia such as Stamps, coins, currencies, tokens, telephone cards, post cards, special covers, statues and a few rare photo graphs too. Since more than 120 countries have honored Gandhiji by issuing stamps. Personally I believe that today's younger generation who surfs through this site would be really attracted towards Gandhiji and his principles. My dream of spreading Gandhian principle across the globe has resulted in www.gandhiworld.in .
ML Rajesh may be contacted at email : mlrajesh@hpcl.co.in Ph: 9444019030
Indian Express