Lukerganj Barwari Durga Puja, Allahabad
23 September 2017
: Ambrish Kumar- Allahabad
News from Prayag Philatelic Society
It is my proud privilege to inform you that Lukerganj Barwari is celebrating its 111th year of Durga Puja this year. They intend to celebrate this occasion with great éclat and in a large scale, befitting the occasion. Keeping this in mind, a week long programme has been drawn up which include celebrations and enjoyment along-with the traditional ceremonies.
On this auspicious occasion and to make the celebrations a memorable one, a special cover along with a special cancellation was released on Saturday 23rd September 2017 at Lukerganj Club. The special cover was released by the SSP Allahabad Region Mr. Subodh Pratap Singh, Sr.Postmaster Mr.R.N.Yadav, Mr. Mihir Dey President Lukerganj Barwari and Mr. Kalyan Dey President Lukerganj Club.
Lukerganj as a locality came up in year 1906, thanks to the efforts of Mr Luker, the then Suptd., Government Press. The locality was largely inhibited by Bengalis and some of those early setters decided to celebrate Shree Shree Durga Puja. Due to their efforts and inspiration of those visionaries, Lukerganj Barwari was formed and the first Puja was performed in 1907. Since then it is being celebrated every year in the autumn season. In the year 2006, Barwari celebrated its centenary year.
This year, Lukerganj Barwari is celebrating its 111th year. Since its inception in 1907, the Puja was held at various places and since 2002, it is being celebrated in the Lukerganj premises. Sasthi Puja heralds the advent of the Puja and Agomoni is staged to invoke the blessings of the Almighty Goddess. The other three days provide entertainment in the form of dramas, dance dramas, etc., performed by the local artists. Starting from Prasad distribution after the morning “Anjali”, Bhog is also distributed to nearly 3000 devotees on all three days of the Puja. In the evening, “Aroti” is performed to the accompaniment of Dhak.
The festival symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and guides us to the path of righteousness. I welcome you all to visit the Lukerganj Barwari Durga Puja pandal during all the Puja days to seek the blessings of the Goddess and become a part of our 111thyear Durga Puja celebrations.
- Rahul Ganguli, Allahabad
Prayag Philatelic Society, Allahabad
New Special Covers from Kolkata
Two Special covers released in Kolkata in the month of August .
1. Friends of Tribals Society - 13 August 2017
2. Kolkata Reserve Bank Employees Co-operative Credit Society Ltd. - 24 August 2017
The Friends of Tribals Society (FTS), or Vanbandhu Parishad, is a volunteer organization formed in 1989 with the goal of improving literacy and health among the Adivasi, rural tribal people in India. The society operates one-teacher schools in the villages, led by trained members of the local community.

Kolkata Reserve Bank Employees Co-operative Credit Society Ltd. is one of the oldest Co-op. Credit Societies in the State of West Bengal. Initially, registered as Currency Employees Co-op Credit Society in 1927, the Society was renamed as Kolkata Reserve Bank Employees Co-op Credit Society Limited in 1935. ay the sheer dedication and impeccable honesty of a host of employee cooperators, the Society has gradually grown up to become one of the well-managed and best- run Society in the Indian Banking sector. Besides providing cheap and easy loans to its members in times of their need, the society has catered to the banking needs of the existing as well as retired members. The Society has also stood up to its social commitments by donating regularly to several charitable and social organisations engaged in socialupliftment. Further, several needy meritorious students are being sponsored each year to continue and complete their studies. Overall, the Society has traversed this long journey of 90 glorious year with flying colours and deservingly marching towards the historic milestone of centenary (100 years) with the blessing and good wishes of its innumerable well wishers.
: Suresh.R - Bengaluru