CHINA 2016
CHINA 2016 will be held at Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China from December 2 - 6, 2016.
CHINA 2016 (33th Asian International Stamp Exhibition) will be organized under the Patronage of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) and Recognition of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).Mr Surajit Gongvatana is the FIAP Co-ordinator of CHINA 2016
This exhibition is organized by the All-China Philatelic Federation, jointly with the State Post Bureau of The People’s Republic of China, The People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and China Post Group.
Mr.Surendra A. Kotadia is National Commissioner for CHINA - 2016 from India. His contact details are as below.
MUMBAI 400 021
TELIPHONE + 91 22 22024130/31
MOBILE + 91 98199 03789
FAX + 91 22 22843275
6.1 The Regulations governing the conditions of the application and acceptance are stated in the articles 10, 11 and 12 of the GREX.
6.2 Exhibitors must obtain their Exhibit Application Forms from their Commissioners. A separate Exhibit Application Form should be used for each exhibit.
6.3 When submitting the Exhibit Application Form, the exhibitor shall attach a copy of the introductory page, describing the exhibit (in English).
6.4 Duly filled Exhibit Application Forms should be sent through their Commissioners to reach the Organizing Committee by June 15, 2016
6.5 Notification of acceptance from the Organizing Committee, together with the number of frames allocated to exhibitors, will be sent to their Commissioners by August 1, 2016
6.6 Exhibitors cannot withdraw their applications without valid reasons once their participation has been accepted by the Organizing Committee.
6.7 The Commissioners will collect all the frame fees from their exhibitors, and remit the full amount to the Executive Committee by November 1, 2016 at the latest (Bank details and address to be advised).
6.8 There is only ONE ENTRY FORM. There are no preliminary and final entry forms.
CHINA 2016 (33th Asian International Stamp Exhibition) is a General Asian International Stamp Exhibition.
The Classification of the Exhibition Classes is as follows:
7.1 Group I Non-Competitive Class
Court of Honour
7.2 Group II Competitive Classes
Class 1 FIAP Championship Class for collections that have been awarded
three FIP / FIAP large gold medals at the exhibitions patronized
by FIP / FIAP over the past 10 years (2006 - 2015)
Class 2 Traditional Philately
1) China
2) Asia and Australasia
3) The Rest of the World
Class 3 Postal History
1) China
2) Asia and Australasia
3) The Rest of the World
Class 4 Postal Stationery
Class 5 Aerophilately
Class 6 Astrophilately
Class 7 Thematic Philately
Exhibits will be classified under:
A) Nature
B) Culture
C) Technology
* Please indicate clearly in the Exhibit Application Form as to the sub-class (A, B or C) the exhibit is entering.
Class 8 Maximaphily
Class 9 Revenue
Class 10 Youth Philately
A) Collectors aged 10 – 15 years
B) Collectors aged 16 – 18 years
C) Collectors aged 19 – 21 years
(As of January 01, 2016)
* Please indicate clearly in the Exhibit Application Form as to the sub-class (A, B or C) the exhibit is entering.
Class 11 Literature
1) Philatelic books, pamphlets and studies (issued after January 01, 2011)
2) Philatelic journals, periodicals (issued after January 01, 2014)
3) Stamp catalogues (issued after January 01, 2014)
* Please indicate clearly in the Exhibit Application Form as to the sub-class (1, 2 or 3) the exhibit is entering.
Exhibitors are requested to fill in the particulars stated in the “Philatelic Literature Exhibit Information Form”, in addition to the “Exhibit Application Form”.
Class 12 One-Frame Exhibit
Exhibits in this Class should not be One Frame extracted from a
multiple frame exhibit and should be based on a narrow subject that is best treated as One Frame. Exhibits are also welcome from novice exhibitors who are developing a subject which is capable of expanding to more than One Frame in the near future.
Awards are represented by CERTIFICATES only.
Certificate of Participation will be given to exhibits attaining less than 60 points.
Exhibits will be classified under:
A) Traditional
B) Postal History
C) Postal Stationery
D) Aerophilately
E) Astrophilately
F) Thematic
G) Maximaphily
H) Revenue
* Please indicate clearly in the Exhibit Application Form as to the sub-class (A - H) the exhibit is entering.
Class 13 Modern Philately (1980 to date)
The objectives are to encourage collectors of Modern Philatelic materials to exhibit at the highest level and to demonstrate to the Postal Administrations that there are an extensive body of philatelists who collect and study materials issued by them after 1980.
The Organizing Committee is making this class available for exhibits complying with the FIP special regulations for (A) Traditional Philately, (B) Postal History and (C) Postal Stationery.
Qualifying exhibits for the Modern Philately must contain philatelic materials issued by the Postal authorities after 1980. Stamp series of philatelic topics chosen for this class which were substantially issued on/after 1980 are qualified as topics for the Modern Philately.
However, the exhibit may include a small percentage of material issued pre- 1980 that is important and relevant to the exhibit.
Modern Philately exhibits will be judged according to the respective FIP SREVs currently in force for the above-mentioned three FIP classes.
15.1 The address of the Organizing Committee of CHINA 2016 is:
CHINA 2016 Organizing Committee
2nd Floor-North Wing, Xueyuan International Tower
No. 1 Zhichun Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100191 China
Tel: 86 10 82319990
Fax: 86 10 68022693
15.2 The address of the Commissioner General of CHINA 2016 is:
Mr. Xu Jian Zhou
2nd Floor-North Wing, Xueyuan International Tower
No. 1 Zhichun Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100191
Tel: 86 10 82319990
Fax: 86 10 68022693
15.3 The address of the FIAP Co-ordinator is:
Mr. Surajit Gongvatana
Soi Majareon 1 yak 2, Nongkangplu, Nongkhaem,
Bangkok 10160, Thailand
Tel: 66 8 69009008
Fax: 66 5 6248597