Special Cover on ‘Sabarmati River Front’ – 24 March 2015

Gujpex-2015, 13th Gujarat State Level Philatelic Exhibition – 24th – 27th March 2015
Gujpex-2015, 13th Gujarat State Level Philatelic Exhibition organized by Gujarat Postal Circle inaugurated by Hon. Governor of Gujarat Shri O.P. Kohli at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial, Ahmedabad. Ms. Meenaxiben Patel, Hon'ble Mayor, Ahmedabad city, Dr. Kirit Solanki, Member of Parliament (LS) and Dr. Jagdish Bhavsar, Chairman, Ahmedabad Municipal School Board and Brigadier Sanjeev Thapar, Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Postal Circle were present on the dais at the inaugural function. Large number of philatelists, stamp dealers and officers and staff members of Department of Posts witnessed the inaugural ceremony.

On the occasion as Special Cover on ‘Sabarmati River Front’ was released by Hon. Governor.
Hon. Governor also released a book titled ‘Collector's Guide to British India Bazar Postcards' written by philatelist Shri Prafful Thakkar. 240 fully coloured pages presents present more than 1700 Bazar Postcards with value along with pictures in different varieties of British Royalty, Indian Princely State Rulers, Ravi Varma paintings-oleographs and Other Themes with further classification of color, creativity, calligraphy and design.

Courtesy - Indian Philately Digest

Collector's Guide to British India Bazar Postcard – By Praful Thakkar
Bazar Postcards of British India is a fascinating section of Indian Postal stationery which has colors, creativity and charisma. They were created during British period by dealers who knew the pulse of the masses. They were artistically and exquisitely made to attract and appeal to public imagination to use them. They were mainly produced and used during the Edwardian period. Subsequently, they were in vogue for advertising purpose in Georgian periods too.
This subject has an attraction because these ornamental and artistic Bazar Postcards have got the touch of creative imagination of dealers of those days. The colorful creativity of Bazar Postcards can be seen on address side. Here attracting pictures, calligraphic & artistic writing of words “Post Card” and graphic designed box for affixing the stamp were shown by the manufacturers..
In this book of 240 fully colored pages, an effort is made to present more than 1700 Bazar Postcards with value along with pictures in different varieties of British Royalty, Indian Princely State Rulers, Ravi Varma paintings-oleographs and Other Themes with further classification of color, creativity, calligraphy and design. They certainly show that the touch of creative imagination of dealers of those days was able to create fascination and attraction in general public for these ornamental and artistic Bazar Postcards.
Praful K. Thakkar, a retired IAS officer is the collector of autographs, stamps, FDCs, coins, medals, tokens, badges , badge plates etc. since last more than 45 years. He got a legacy of art and numismatic understanding and insight from his father. He developed the hobby of collecting Art, Autographs and Numismatic objects in his own way. ‘Share the Knowledge & Spread the Knowledge’ is the motto of his life. And in true spirit of his life’s motto, besides authoring several learned publications on Indian culture in Gujarati, he has authored ‘Collector’s Guide to Indian Canteen Tokens’, ‘Collector’s Guide to Membership Badges of Turf & Race Clubs of India’, ‘Collector’s Guide to Chronologies of Sultans, Rulers & Colonial Heads of India’ and ‘Chapras : Collector’s Guide to Belt Buckles, Badges and Badge Plates of India’, ‘Collector’s Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964 Official & Private’ and "Glimpses of Indian Autographs". His philately book has received awards in International Philatelic Exhibitions at Portugal, South Africa, Washington-USA , Chicago-USA, Tokyo-Japan and Jakarta-Indonesia.
His two websites www.indiannumismatics.com and www.indianautographs.com have made landmarks in their respective hobby-fields of Numismatics and Autograph collection.
In 2008, The Numismatic Society of India Varanasi, Indian Coin Society, Nagpur and Indian National Trust for Art Culture and Heritage, Gwalior have awarded him the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ for his innumerable and invaluable contribution to Indian Numismatics and Para-numismatics in all its aspects.
In 2009, he has been considered as National record holder by Limca Book of Records and has been placed as record holder for his collections of Autographs and Indian Canteen Tokens.
In the same year 2009, Gujarat Coin Society took cognisance of his excellent works and achievements and has also given him ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ for his outstanding service to numismatic fraternity. He has rendered his services as Chairman in Coinex-2006 and Coinex-2010, which were National Level Numismatic Exhibitions organised by Gujarat Coin Society, Ahmedabad. And he has successfully accomplished his mission.
In 2011, Lohana Maha Parishad, Ahmedabad has awarded him an International level ‘Vishisht Raghuvanshi Pratibha Award’ recognising and appreciating his vivid activities and hobbies.
Through this book ‘Collector's Guide to British India Bazar Postcards’, he has made a painstaking and pioneering attempt to give a direction and dimension to this little explored and less known creative subject of Indian philately-Bazar Postcards.