Date of Issue : 26 June 2013
Chunghwa Post issued a set of four stamps featuring owls. The stamps feature following varieties of owl.
Otus lettia (NT$5): About 22-26 centimeters in length, it has a tawny-gray facial disc with random black markings. The edge of its facial disc is black. It has prominent ear tufts. Its body is tawny-grey. Breast and underbelly feathers have arrow-shaped streak. The center of its belly is white. It can be found nesting in old growth forests, orchards and even city parks.
Tyto longimembris (NT$5): About 34 to 42 centimeters in length, it has a heart-shaped facial disc, which is red-brown when birds are young, gradually lightens over time. Its facial disc is edged in black dots that connect to create a dark outline. It lacks ear tufts. The top of its head and its back feathers are dark brown, it breast feathers are tawny, and its underbelly is off white. It lives in grassy areas of the mountains and foothills.
Ketupa flavipes (NT$10): About 55-60 centimeters in length, it is the largest scops owl in Taiwan. It has an orange-yellow facial disk, with yellow-brown ear tufts and head and breast feathers. The feathers on its dark brown back are edged with orange. It is found in broad-leaved forests near creeks, rivers and lakes.
Otus elegans botelensis (NT$25): About 19-22 centimeters in length, it is a subspecies of Otus elegans that is found only on Orchid Island, which is off the East Coast of Taiwan proper. It has a brown facial disc and ear tufts. Its head and upper body feathers are brown with dark brown and tan stripes. Its breast and belly feathers are tawny. It lives mainly in forests.
A pictorial is also released along with the stamps. The pictorial, a brilliant blend of text and images, includes all three sets of “Owls of Taiwan” stamps released between 2011 and 2013, and 12 postcards designed by the stamps’ designer.
Herb Plants on Taiwan stamps

Date of Issue : 11 June 2013
Planting and the use of herb plants have grown to be a trend in recent years. To showcase the enchanting beauty of these multipurpose plants, Chunghwa Post issued a set of four stamps on June 11, 2013, featuring Mentha × piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia elegans, andArtemisia indica. The designs follow:
1. Mentha × piperita (NT$5): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The plant has opposite, ovate or oval-shaped leaves. The flowers are either white or pink, and grown in whorls. It is edible, medicinally useful, and a common ingredient in essential oils, pesticides and pest repellants.
2. Rosmarinus officinalis (NT$5): It is a woody, perennial plant of the family Lamiaceae. The leaves are opposite, long and narrow; the colors are rich green, with a pleasant sheen. The flowers are blue, white or pink. The plant is edible and extensively used for medicinal purposes. It is also a common ingredient in essential oils and bath products.
3. Salvia elegans (NT$12): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The leaves are either ovate or heart-shaped; they emit a mild, fruity fragrance when brushed or rubbed. The flowers are red. The plant is edible.
4. Artemisia indica (NT$15): It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae. The leaves are pinnate, green, with dense white tomentose hairs on the underside. When they just bloom, the flowers are light yellow. The plant is edible and a medicinal herb. It is also used in essential oils, scenting, and folk practices.