28 February 2013

Brasiliana 2013 : New date for submission of entry forms



The deadline for submission of application forms for BRASILIANA-2013 World Stamps Exhibition was postponed. For more details, please, click on:


Mr Madhukar Jhingan is the new commissioner for BRASILIANA-2013. Indian exhibitors may send their entry forms to :

Mr. Madhukar Jhingan

49-D/BG-5 Paschim Vihar 
New Delhi 110063 
Phone : 0091-9811160965 

INPEX 2013–Special Covers








25.02.13 sp cover

Courtesy - Prashant Pandya : http://www.indianphilately.net/

INPEX 2013 - Stamp Booklets



Hi !

I just wish to inform my readers that I have not reached Kullu so far and still travelling and writing this Post from Bharuch ( Gujarat). I am sharing here the stamp Booklets issued during INPEX 2013. March Issue of Rainbow Stamp News will be special INPEX 2013 Issue and will be published sometime in the first week of March . It will be a bit delayed as I am out of station…

Special Covers of INPEX 2013 in Next Post……Have a nice day !!






Courtesy : Prashant Pandya : http://www.indianphilately.net/

26 February 2013

INPEX 2013–National Championship Award


National Championship Award

  Dinesh Chandra Sharma, Lucknow for Summer Olympic Games

dinesh sharma3

Mrs. Damyanti Pittie receiving Championship Award on behalf of Dinesh Chandra Sharma at INPEX 2013

Hi !

I am still travelling after attending INPEX 2013 at Mumbai and writing this Post from Bharuch, Gujarat . I am trying my best to give the glimpses of INPEX 2013 Award ceremony to my readers and those who could not visit the exhibition. I have posted pics of the show in my last Posts. Here I share the Championship award won by Mr Dinesh Chandra Sharma of Lucknow who made a history in the field of philately by winning highest award of the national exhibition in thematic philately. I am proud to share here this on my blog as both Dinesh and me started  Philately together in 1984 at UPHILEX 84, Lucknow from Junior section. I am very proud that he won National Champion’s award, the highest award  given first time to a Thematic Philatelist. Many Many Congratulations to Dinesh !! Unfortunately Dinesh was not present at the show as he left Mumbai two days ago due to some urgent work. Our best wishes to him for much more success in future.

 Standing ovation to Dinesh from all Thematic Philatelists and whole Philatelic Community on his Greatest Achievement !!!

The pic was taken by my son when Championship award  was announced all clapped and stood up to give a standing ovation to the winner !!

INPEX 2013–Award Day Pics - 3



Dr Anjali Dutta, Pune (Large Vermeil)

Praggya Kothari, Patna

Madhukar Deogoankar, Calcutta ( Gold with Sp prize )



INPEX–2013–Award Day Pics -2



Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur (Large Vermeil )

Mr Praful Thakkar, Ahmedabad (Large Vermeil)

Ilyas Patel, Ahmedabad ( Large Vermeil with Sp prize)


Inpex 2013–Award Ceremony


Mrs Damyanti Pittie was honoured with life time achievement award


1.Mr Rajesh Kumar Bagri giving Jury report 2. Members of Jury and distinguished philatelists

Mr Umesh Kakkeri receiving Large vermeil medal and special award from CPMG




Photo : Shikhar

INPEX 2013 : Award List




Class 1: National Championship

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
1.    039-046    Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma    Summer Olympics Games    8        National Championship      
2.    047-054    Mr.  Rajan Jayakar    Fiscals of British India 1901-1947    8        G      
3.    055-062    Mr. Kishor Chandak    Handstruck Postage Stamp of India upto 1852    8        G      
4.    063-070    Mr. Anil Suri    Fiscals of Mysore    8

Class 2A:  Traditional India Pre Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
5.    071-075    Mr.Umesh Kakkeri    Portuguese
India up to World War I (1914)    5   85     Large Vermeil + SP
6.    076-080    Mr. S. Vikrant Machado    British India    5    80    Vermeil      
7.    081-085    Mr. Keshav Agarwal 
Highlights Pre Independence India    5    75    Large Silver      
8.    086-093    Mr. Vishwanath Jhunjhunwalla    India Pre Independence upto 1867    8    90    Gold + SP      
9.    094-098    Mr. Pragya Jain Kothari    India until 19th Century    5    90    Gold + SP

Class 2B/2D:  Traditional India Princely State

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
10.    099-103    Mr. Anup Kumar Goyal    Romance of the Jaipur Pre Stamp Seals    5    83    Vermeil      
11.    104-108    Mr. E. P. James    Travancore – Cochin    5    85    Large Vermeil    
Class 2C:  Traditional India Post Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
12.    109-113    Mr. Binod Kumar Jain    India – refugee Relief Tax 1971-1973    5    82    Vermeil      
13.    114-118    Mr. Daniel Monteriro    Archeology    5    65    Silver Bronze      
14.    119-123    Mr. Surendra Kotadia    Booklets of Post Independence    5    71    Silver      
15.    124-128    Mr. Khushal Chand M. Tated    Errors, Varieties and Flaws in the Post Independence Issues    5    70    Silver      
16.    129-133    Lt. Col. R. K. Singh    India Post Independence upto 1956    5    -    -      
17.    134-138    Mr. M. A. Sayeed    India – Printing Errors & Varieties, issues after 15th August 1947    5    87    Large Vermeil    

Class 2E:  Rest of the World

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
18.    139-143    Mr. Chinmay Pradhan    Liechtenstein 1912-1990    5    66    Silver Bronze      
19.    144-148    Mr. Shanker Gupta Chanda    Great Britain     5    81    Vermeil    

Class 3B:  Postal History – India Pre Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
20.    149-153    Mr. Amit Jain    Express Delivery System 10 Oct. 1930 – 31 Oct. 1974    5    78    Large Silver      
21.    154-158    Mr. Parvesh Gupta    Delhi 1911 the Emperor’s Darbar    5    80    Vermeil      
22.    159-166    Mr. Gopal Biswas    India Pre Independence Post Marks 1854-1947    8    85    Large Vermeil      
23.    167-171    Mr. Pradip Mohanty    Early India Cancellation and Postmarks    5    80    Vermeil      
24.    172-176    Mr. Ajit Sukhatankar    Early India Cancellations upto 1884    5    75    Large Silver      
25.    177-184    Mr. Kishor Chandak    Indian Instructional Labels & Markings    8    90    Gold + SP      
26.    185-192    Mrs. Shruti Chandak    Mails on Wheels    8    88    Large Vermeil + SP      
27.    193-197    Mr. Vishwanath Jhunjhunwalla    Early India Cancellations    5    81    Vermeil      
28.    198-202    Mr. Kirit M. Sanghvi    Slogan of British India 1880-1947    5    76    Large Silver    

Class 3C:  Postal History – Indian State

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
29.    203-207    Mr. O. K. Prakash    Travancore Postal History    5    81    Vermeil      
30.    208-212    Mr. E. P. James    Cochin State Postal History    5    85    Large Vermeil      
31.    213-220    Mr. Madhukar Deogawanka    Jaipur State Postal History    8    92    Gold + SP      
32.    221-225    Mr. Mohanachandran Nair    Postal Markings of Travancore Anchal    5    83    Vermeil      
33.    226-230    Mr. Premchand Jaiswal    Brahmni Dawk    5    78    Large Silver      
34.    231-235    Dr. K. S. Mohan    Postal History of Cochi    5    85    Large Vermeil    

Class 3D:  India Post Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
35.    236-240    Mr. Krishna Rao Dondapati    Mail to Troops    5    75    Large Silver    

Class 3E:  Postal History – Rest of the World

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
36.    241-245    Dr. C. S. Raveendran    Postal History Early Cancellation ‘Great Britain’    5     81    Vermeil      
37.    246-250    Mr. Angeet Suri    British Postal Markings    5    81    Vermeil    

Class 4A:  Postal Stationery – India Pre Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
38.    251-255    Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkar    Postal Stationery of British Indiaq 1856-1947    5    87     Large Vermeil      
39.    256-260    Mr. Rajesh Jhunjhunwalla    Postal Stationery of Pre Independence India    5    83    Vermeil      
40.    261-265    Mr. K. S. Rao    Postal Stationery India Pre Independence    5    78    Large Silver 


Class 4C:  Postal Stationery – India since Independence

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
41.    266-270    Mrs. Rekha Goyal    Modern Postal Stationery of India    5    75     Large Silver      
42.    271-275    Mr. Vijay Seth    Indian Post Cards 1950-2000    5    66    Silver Bronze    

Class 5A:  Aerophilately - India

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
43.    276-280    Mr. Pulak Gupta    Balloon Mail in India    5    70    Silver    

Class 6A:  Thematic – Indian Theme

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
44.    281-285    Mr. Rajesh Bhura    Gandhi – The Man of the Millenium    5    76     Large Silver      
45.    286-290    Mr. Vikas Singh    Indian Railways – An Incredible Journey Over Time    5    75    Large Silver      
46.    291-295    Mr. Anil Chokshi    Great Indian Monuments    5    66    Silver Bronze      
47.    296-300    Mrs. Meena Mutha    Jainism    5    72    Silver      
48.    301-305    Dr. Pradeep Sarkar    Vedic Revelation    5    75    Large Silver      
49.    306-310    Mr. Dipesh Miglani    India the Great Country, Discovers through Miniature Sheets    5    65    Silver Bronze      
50.    311-315    Mr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal    Scouting in India    5    70    Silver      
51.    316-320    Ms. Mayurika Shah    The Indian Peafowl – The Oldest known Ornamental Bird    5    76    Large Silver      
52.    321-325    Mr. D. Venugopal    Overprints & Surcharges    5    65    Silver Bronze      
53.    326-330    Mr. Popatlal B. Halpawat    India Headgears a Pictorial Saga    5    67    Silver Bronze      
54.    331-335    Mr. Vinubhai Bavishi    Gandhi Vichar    5    62    Bronze      
55.    336-340    Mrs. Priti Devi    Mahro Rajasthan    5    -    -      
56    341-345    Mr. Rajprit Singh Saluja    The Heritage & Glory of Sikhs    5    70    Silver      
57.    346-350    Mr. Kishor Jhunjhunwalla    Mahatma Gandhi – The Man of the Millennium    5    77    Large Silver    

Class 6B:  Thematic – Other Themes

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
58.    351-355    Mr. Sandeep Chaurasia    Railways    5     65     Silver Bronze      
59.    356-360    Mr. Sandeep Chaurasia    Medical Science    5     67     Silver Bronze      
60.    361-365    Mr. Brij Mohan Modi    The History of Architecture with Culture and Heritage    5    85     Large Vermeil + SP      
61.    366-370    Mr. Ilyas A. Patel    The Story of Building Bridges – An Index of Human Civilization    5    87    Large Vermeil + SP      
62.    371-375    Mr. Abhay Mishra    I.C.Y. Continent on Indian Expedition    5    75    Silver      
63.    376-380    Mr. Sanjay Bhatnagar    Philatelic Terms    5    60    Bronze      
64.    381-385    Mr. Vijay Prakash Agrawal    Fish Catching Birds    5    70    Silver      
65.    386-390    Mr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma    Sports in the Modern World    5    76    Large Silver      
66.    391-395    Mr. Krishan Goyal    Cinema : The Glimpses through Philately    5    -    -      
67.    396-400    Mr. Kailash Nankani    The Pursuit of Birds    5    70    Silver      
68.    401-405    Mr. R. D. Mathkar    Birds – Those high flying Avions    5    70    Silver      
69.    406-410    Mr. Ajit Kumar Dash    My Life & My Service as a Dog    5    76    Large Silver      
70.    411-415    Mr. Naresh Agrawal    Mail and its Movement    5    85    Large Vermeil      
71.    416-420    Mr. Daniel Monteiro    Waterfowl    5    77    Large Silver      
72.    421-425    Mr. George Sebastian    The Sun – Myths & Manifestations    5    75    Large Silver      
73.    426-430    Mr. Premarajan A.    WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature    5    65    Silver Bronze      
74.    431-435    Mr. Kumar Ranjit Sinha    Mode of Transportation    5    -    -      
75.    436-440    Mrs. Birajlaxmi Mohanty    Raptors of the World    5    76    Large Silver      
76.    441-445    Mr. Shantilal Khimji Dedhia    Red Cross    5    60    Bronze      
77.    446-450    Mr. Pramod Kumar Saraf    Feathered Wonders    5    -    -      
78.    451-455    Mr. Pawan Kumar Jhunjhunwala    A journey through 2nd Millennium     5    70    Silver      
79.    456-460    Mr. Pallav Bose    Lights, Camera, Action    5    76    Large Silver      
80.    461-465    Mr. Sarad Rasiklal Bora    Life of Mahatma Gandhi    5    75    Large Silver      
81.    466-470    Mr. Manoj  Kumar Mahapatra    Two Lives to Live    5    65    Silver Bronze      
82.    471-475    Mr. Saroj Ranjan Kar    The Game of Cricket    5    70    Silver      
83.    476-480    Mr. Shakil Ahmed    Nude    5    77    Large Silver      
84.    481-485    Mrs. Sangeeta Deogawanka    Modes of Mail Transport    5    81    Vermeil      
85.    486-490    Mr. Mehjabin Panki    Flowering Plants    5    57    Certificate of Participation      
86.    491-495    Mr. Andalib Panki    Orchids    5    61    Bronze      
87.    496-500    Mr. R. K. Bhootra    Wing Beyond Imagination – Butterfly    5    75    Large Silver      
88.    501-505    Mr. Rohit Jain    Shine & Secure with Holograms    5    -    -      
89.    506-510    Mr. Sudhir Jain    Rotary International    5    72    Silver      
90.    511-515    Mr. Sunil Y. Joshi    Butterflies and Moths    5    75    Large Silver      
91.    516-520    Mr. Naresh Goyal    The World of Birds    5    75    Large Silver      
92.    521-525    Mr. Pawan K. Kejriwal    Passion of Scouting    5    -    -      
93.    526-530    Mr. Vineet A. Vaidya    Ships Ahoy !    5    71    Silver      
94.    531-535    Mrs. Jayshreee Mukesh Shukla    Health & Medicine    5    -    -      
95.    536-540    Mr. Mukesh Chunilal Shukla    AIDS – A Global Tragedy -   5  Absent-      
96.    536-540    Mr. Ashwani Kumar Dubey    Railways    5    71    Silver      
97.    541-545    Mr. P. Sreetharan    Scout and Guide Movement    5    66    Silver Bronze      
98.    546-550    Mr. Shantilal F. Hiran    Dogs of the World    5    65    Silver Bronze      
99.    551-555    Mr. Dilip A. Dhulekar    Roses    5    60    Bronze      
100.    556-560    Mr. Ajay Kumar Acharya    Heaven of Birds    5    65    Silver Bronze      
101.    561-565    Mr. Akash Kedia    The History of English Cricket Through Cancellations    5    62    Bronze      
102.    566-570    Dr. Pradeep Jain    Children    5    -    -      
103.    571-575    Mr. Devesh N. Shah    Lady Diana    5    -    -      
104.    576-583    Mr. Ramalingeshwar Rao    Railways    8    80    Vermeil    

Class 7:  Maximaphily

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
105.    584-588    Mr. Pradip Mohanty    Bills    5    65    Silver Bronze      
106.    589-593    Ms. Samira Bose    Glimpses of India    5    -    -      
107.    594-598    Mr. Vikas Jain    India’s Maxima Card    5    66    Silver Bronze    

Class 8A:  Revenue - India

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
108.    599-603    Mr. Rajan Jayakar    Calcutta Court of Small Causes    5    85    Large Vermeil    

Class 8B:  Indian States Revenue

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
109.    604-608    Col. Jayanta Datta    Fiscals of Jodhpur    5    81    Vermeil      
110.    609-616    Dr. Anjali Datta    Fiscals of Gwalior    8    85    Large Vermeil      
111.    617-621    Mr. Kiron Asher    Revenues (Cutch)    5    73    Silver      
112.    622-626    Mr. Amir Panki    Kishangarh    5    77    Large Silver      
113.    627-631    Mrs. Ayman Jetpurwala    Fiscals & Revenue Jodhpur + J. Thikana    5    76    Large Silver      
114.    632-636    Mr. Vinayak Maruti Awate    Fiscal Stamps of Indian Princely State on Lord Ganesha    5    76    Large Silver      
115.    637-641    Mr. O. P. Kedia    Early Fiscals of Barwani State    5    72    Silver      
116.    642-646    Mr. Rajesh Jhunjhunwalla    Fiscal of Bhor State    5    75    Large Silver      
117.    647-651    Mr. Anil Suri    Sawantwadi State    5    88    Large Vermeil + SP      
118.    652-656    Mr. Angeet Suri    Fiscals of Jodhpur    5    80    Vermeil    

Class 9:  First Day Covers

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
119.    657-661    Mr. Praful Thakkar    Birth Certificates of Indian Stamps 1947-1957    5    88    Large Vermeil      
120.    662-666    Mr. Chinmaya Pradhan    Journey through First Day Covers from 1931-1958    5    83    Vermeil      
121.    531-535    Mr. Arun D.     FDCDEF        68    Silver Bronze    

Class 10C:  Social Philately

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
122.    667-671    Dr. Rakesh Thaper    Mahatma Gandhi his Life & Ideals    5    78    Large Silver    

Class 10D:  One Frame Exhibit

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
123.    672    Mr. P. M. Vinod    Scout & Guide Activities on Stamps    1    60    Bronze      
124.    673    Mr. Timir R. Shah    Certificate of Posting    1    72    Silver      
125.    674    Mr. Olvex M. Noronha    Cochin State 4 Pies, Overprints on 2 pies postcards    1    71    Silver      
126.    675    Mr. Binod Kumar Jain    Various Streams of Assam Steamer Service 1882-1904    1    90    Gold      
127.    676    Mrs. Kiran R. Mathkar    Natural Habitat of Birds    1    53    Certificate of Participation      
128.    677    Mr. Rahul Mittal    Mother Teressa – The Saint of the Gutters    1    66    Silver Bronze      
129.    678    Mr. Gopal Biswas    Watermark Varieties of Pre Independence Postage Stamps     1    76    Large Silver      
130.    679    Mr. Dipesh Miglani    India The Land of Saints    1    60    Bronze      
131.    680    Mrs. Ashu Miglani    Women of India    1    60    Bronze      
132.    681    Mr. Vipin Thakur    Tagore’s Life -Date-Line    1    54    Certificate of Participation      
133.    682    Mr. Markand Dave    1854 Two Annas Stamp – Watermark Study    1    82    Vermeil      
134.    683    Mr. Markand Dave    1911 – King George V One Anna Stamp    1    80    Vermeil      
135.    684    Mr. Krishan Kumar Miglani    Endangered Species of India    1    61    Bronze      
136.    685    Mr. Krishan Kumar Bhatia   A Study of Definitive Stamps of Nehruji    1    68    Silver Bronze      
137.    686    Mr. P. Shrinivasan    PEacock Bird & Symbol    1    -    -      
138.    687    Mr. Prakash Indukumar Jambudi    Our National Flag (India)    1    70    Silver      
139.    688    Mr. Nagendra A. Nayak    Global Warming    1    75    Large Silver      
140.    689    Mr. Pratisad Neurgaonkar    Indian Military Greetings Air Letter Cards 1942-45    1    81    Vermeil      
141.    690    Mr. Sahil    T. P. O. Cancellations    1    70    Silver      
142.    691    Ms. Sanya    Paquebots – Ship Mail Collection    1    72    Silver      
143.    692    Ms. Leeza Padhi    The Great Indian Ballet – Ramayana (Beyond India)    1    75    Large Silver      
144.    693    Mrs. Pankajam R. Nath    Jainism on Philately    1    61    Bronze      
145.    694    Mr. Bakul Thakkar    Indian Postage Stamp Centenary 1954    1    72    Silver      
146.    695    Mr. Om Prakash Kedia    War Contribution Stamps of Dewas J. B.    1    85    Large Vermeil      
147.    696    Mr. Unnikrishnan M.     National Flag    1    -    -      
148.    697    Mr. Pradip Jain    Gandhi Travels Around the World    1    87    Large Vermeil      
149.    698    Mr. Pradip Jain    India 1929, Airmail Stamps    1    90    Gold      
150.    699    Mr. Pragya Jain Kothari    Man Measures his Environment    1    86    Large Vermeil      
151.    700    Mr. Chander Dev SIngh    Sikh Scripture through Philately    1    67    Silver Bronze      
152.    701    Mr. Amit Jain    Vala State Revenue    1    80    Vermeil    

Class 12A:  Youth (Age 11-12 Years)

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
153.    702-703    J. Sriniketh    Exotic Philately    2    80     Vermeil + SP      
154.    704-705    Sidak Singh Saluja    Brave Sikhs in the Armed Forces    2    75    Large Silver      
155.    706-707    Amisha Kumari Kejriwal    The Nature    2    -    -      
156.    707-709    Sneha Dinesh    Indian Post Card    2    60    Bronze      
157.    710-711    S. Harisudhan    India War of Independence    2    -    -    

Class 12B:  Youth (Age 13-14 Years)

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
158.    712-713    Shail Timir Shah    Utility of Plants    2    60     Bronze      
159.    714-715    Siddharth S. Tawker    Reptiles    2    80    Vermeil + SP      
160.    716-717    Vishal Bandam    Great Britain Collection    2    75    Large Silver    

Class 12C:  Youth (Age 15-16 Years)

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
161.    718-719    Avinash Sharma    Olympic Games    2    61    Bronze      
162.    720-721    Animesh Daiya    The Cartoon Show    2    62    Bronze      
163.    722-723    Divya Daiya    Dominion of India    2    60    Bronze      
164.    724-725    Bhavana K. Baglodi    ‘Greetings Telegrams’, Post Independence    2    60    Bronze      
165.    726-727    Ashutosh Panda    Soccer Mania    2    63    Bronze      
166.    728-730    Maira Bose    Lady Di.    3    78    Large Silver      
167.    731-732    K. P. Brijesh    3 “C” (Meghdoot Cards)    2    60    Bronze      
168.    733-735    Aishwarya Kar    United Nation    3    75    Large Silver      
169.    736-737    Vasundhara Deogawanka    Potpourri of Stamps    2    70    Silver      
170.    738-739    S. Deva Prashanth    Scout Jamborees    2    65    Silver Bronze    

Class 12D:  Youth (Age 17-18 Years)

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
171.    740-743    Dristhi Lalit Agarwal    A Journey to my friends of Wild    4    61     Bronze      
172.    745-747    Paritri Upadhyay    Wild Life on Maxim Cards    4    70    Silver      
173.    748-749    Nimesh Agarwal    History and Development of Cars    2    60    Bronze      
174.    750-751    Mahima H. Mittal    Miniature Sheets : Source of Knowledge    2    60    Bronze      
175.    752-753    Diksha Daiya    The World of Birds    2    75    Large Silver      
176.    754-755    Arjun J. P.     Travancore & Cochin State    2    65    Silver Bronze      
177.    756-758    Anushtha Jain    Commonwealth Games    3    -    -      
178.    759-761    Ashfia Panki    Triangular Stamps    3    75    Large Silver      
179.    762-763    Neha Gupta Bandham    World Gandhi Collection    2    70    Silver      
180.    764-766    Akash Kejriwal    Dance & Music    3    -    -      
181.    767-769    Jay Kirit Kumar Dhadhal    Fiscals of Princely State of Kathiawar    3    75    Large Silver      
182.    770-773    S. Vignesh Prabhakar    Transportation – Railways    4    75    Large Silver      
183.    774-776    Gurpreet Singh Saini    Flora & Fauna    3    -    -      
184.    777-778    Akash M. Jobanputra    Animals    2    60    Bronze      
185.    779-781    Shivek Chadha    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi    3    60    Bronze      
186.    782-783    Anmol Talla    Miniature Sheets    2    60    Bronze      
187.    784-785    S. Nanda Kumar    Penny Black – Stamps on Stamps    2    -    -      
188.    786-787    Jason D’Silva    Italy Before the 20th Century    2    65    Silver Bronze    

Class 13:  School Entries

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
189.    788-790    Bharat International School    Philately as a Teaching Tool    3     76    Large Silver      
190.    791-794    Ankurbharati Medical School    Bird Maxiphily    4    75    Large Silver      
191.    795-800    Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s Vidyashram    Unity in Diversity (India)    6    72    Silver    

Class 11A:  Literature

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
192.    LIT-1    Mr. Vikas Singh    Philatelic Hand Book on Indian Railways    -    -    -      
193.    LIT-2    Baroda Philatelic Society    Stampmania 2009 (Souvenir)    -    75    Large Silver      
194.    LIT-3    Mr. Praful Thakkar    Collection Guide to F. D. Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964 Official & Private    -    74    Silver      
195.    LIT-4    Mr. K. V. Mukundan    Kampex 2010 Souvenir    -    60    Bronze      
196.    LIT-5    Dr. K. Ramachandrann    Indian Postal History – Focus on Tamil Nadu    -    78    Large Silver      
197.    LIT-6    Mr. Sekhar Chakrawarti    The Indian National Flag – Unfurled through Philately    -    83    Vermeil      
198.    LIT-7    Mr. Bibhudutta Mishra    Dakatikata Sngraha    -    70    Silver      
199.    LIT-8    Mr. Vinod Sabharwal    Indian Stamp Ghar    -    65    Silver Bronze      
200.    LIT-9    Mr. Kiran    Special Covers of the World on Railways – A study    -    63    Bronze      
201.    LIT-10    Mr. Rahesh Paharia    Indo Pak War 1971 Refugee Relief Tax    -    -    -      
202.    LIT-11    Mr. Manik Jain    Phila India 2013, Guide Book    -    76    Large Silver      
203.    LIT-12    Mr. Narendra Kumar    India Postage Stamps Year Book 2011    -    65    Silver Bronze      
204.    LIT-13    Mr. Narendra Kumar    India Postage Stamps Year Book 2012    -    65    Silver Bronze      
205.            Thrissurpex 2008    -    60    Bronze    

Class 11B:  Literature

Sr. No.    Frame Nos.    Name of Exhibitor    Title    No. of Frames    Marks    Award      
206.    LIT-14    Baroda Philatelic Society    Vadophil    -    68    Silver Bronze      
207.    LIT-15    Mrs. Jeevan Jyoti    Rainbow Stamp News (E-Magazine)    -    83    Vermeil      
208.    LIT-16    Mr. Deepak Narendraji Modi    Mobile Philately – A Boon for Philatelists    -    70    Silver    

Courtesy :  Prashant Pandya :  http://www.indianphilately.net/

25 February 2013

INPEX–2013 Day 5


Hi !

Today is  5th and last day of INPEX 2013. The awards were announced yesterday. I am pleased to write that Rainbow Stamp News got a vermeil medal . This is perhaps the highest award ever given for a philatelic magazine in a national stamp exhibition. In the Championship Class two exhibits have been shortlisted “Summer Olympic Games” by Dinesh Chandra Sharma and “Handstruck Postage stamps of India upto 1852 “ by Kishor Chandak. In Youth Class highest award went to  Siddarth S. Tawkar with Vermeil and  a special Prize. I will soon post the award list on blog as I receive it.

This is all for today….I am writing this post from Navi Mumbai…Will post rest of the news very soon…Until then Have a Nice Time !!

24 February 2013

INPEX 2013 : Day -4



Hi !

Today is the 4th day of INPEX 2013. I will visit the show in the morning for an hour to say good bye to my friends….The results will also  be announced today However the results were ready yesterday evening but could not be announced due to certain reasons not known to me …Today the long awaited meeting of PCI will also be held and certainly new decisions will be taken …..Let’s see and hope that this meeting will give some fruitful result to all the lovers of philately…Before I conclude this Post I wish to share here some nice pics taken by Mr Rakesh Walia of Chandigarh with my Readers…

Last but not the least..In the exhibition I met many  readers of Rainbow…and it was a pleasant moment for me !! Thank you all ….I  feel very sorry for some whom I could not give time …..but definitely would meet them today……




Memorable Moments at INPEX 2013

103_1481 103_1485

Dr Anjali Dutta, Sekhar Chakrabarty & Rakesh Walia

23 February 2013

Glimpses of INPEX 2013


Hi ! 

I am writing this post from Mumbai where National Stamp show INPEX 2013 is being held. Here are the glimpses of the show . Hope those who could not visit this exhibition will enjoy the pics !!

The exhibition is good with the exhibits of renowned philatelists from all over India but one can also find some exhibits which are not up to the mark for display in  a national stamp show. Some philatelists who deserved to get entry could not get a chance to participate in the show.  However philatelists are enjoying the exhibition. Crowd could be seen always at the venue. Today  a special cover with golden cancellation on Mahatma Gandhi  was released. A meeting of Jainism Philately Group and Philatelic Journalists Forum was also held today !!


Grand old man of philately, Shri Dhirubhai Mehta

Meeting of Jainism Philately Group

Release of Jainism Calendar at JPG meeting (L to R – Sudhir Jain, JM Dhor, Dhirubhai Mehta,Dilip Shah)

Mrs Geeta Ben Bavishi from Akola with her exhibit “ Gandhi Vichar ”

Pradeep Mohanty,Prashant Pandya and Shakil Ahmed

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