Hi ! In Today's Post Here is another issue of Pride of India Collection featuring Indian Flag stamp which was originally issued on 21 November 1947. It is one of those 25 stamps that have been chosen to be preserved forever as engraved solid pure silver ingots, layered with pure 24-carat gold. Here is the beautiful stamp. The more details are available at http://www.prideofindiacollection.com These are some of the most beautiful Indian stamps featuring personalities, events & places making the pride of India collection. Here is the gold plated silver replica of Indian flag . This is the special item for today’s Post…Some more interesting news in Next Part of this Post under Club News..…..This is all for Today…..Till Next Post…….Have a Great Time !…
Indian Flag – From Pride of India Collection
Club News
The craze for date cancellation 9.9.09

The long awaited date 9.9.9. is going to be a craze among philatelists particularly with those, collecting special date cancellations as this date coming once in a lifetime with three 9s in a row. I am also collecting 9 September cancellations and would be very thankful if someone posts me a letter on this day & help me to make my collection for this special date. Please send your postal address, It will be a great pleasure to post you a letter in exchange on this very special day from Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), the valley of Gods ……
Stamp collector makes it to Limca record book
He has spent around three-fifths of his life after his hobby, and thanks to one of his school teachers who caught them young', Jaishankar Prasad, who has not even reached the legal marriageable age in India, now has his name in the Limca Book of Records (LBR)! Prasad, 20, is credited for being the Indian who has collected stamps from the most number of countries in the world.
He tends to fuel his passion with money he earns from buying and selling plots, but his penchant for stamps began in his school days, when he was merely eight years old! "We had this English teacher in school who once asked us to write letters, and we needed stamps to do it. That was my first encounter with a stamp, and since then, for the next eight years, I collected them indiscriminately," explains Prasad.
"Then, one day, I realized how haphazard my collection had been, and I sat down to sort out the numerous stamps I had collected. To my surprise, I found that I already had stamps from 200 countries, and they could be separated into as many categories. That was when I started collecting stamps more seriously," he informs.
Apparently, by that time, he had collected enough paraphernalia and literature related to philately, and it was in one of these that he read about categorizing collections. Over the next few years, he collected stamps from as many countries he could, and in 2008, sent his claim of having collected stamps from 308 countries across the world. To his delight, the people who be at the Limca Book of Records ruled that he did have a collection unrivalled in India!
Interestingly, many of the stamps in Prasad's collection have actually no place to belong these days. For example, there is the stamp that was released by the French to be used only in the French-occupied parts of India before independence, but the stamp cannot be circulated any more. However, its value is great, specifically because its country of origin' does not exist any more. The same can be said for stamps from countries like East and West Germany, Czechoslovakia and a unified Korea.
Prasad's hobby, meanwhile, seems to have other side effects too, and these are both positive and negative. The positive ones include the time when an octogenarian, having come to know of Prasad and his hobby, brought along his entire collection of stamps and donated it to the young lad. "Besides, whenever I collect a stamp, I not only get to know a little bit about the culture of the country, but also about what language is spoken there, what their currency is, what is commemorated and a lot more," he gushes.
The negatives, however, are no less compelling either. "Stamps are of two types. The ones which enter circulation are called definitive, while the ones released simply to pay tribute to an object, a person or an incident are called commemorative stamps. I was once approached by a man with a simple definitive stamp released twenty years ago. It pained me to tell him that the stamp would fetch him hardly Rs 10, because he was expecting to sell it for lakhs! The stamp simply did not have that kind of value," he recalls. "And then there was this very rich man who had offered to give me Rs 5 lakh in return for the favour' that I send the record claim to Limca in the name of his son, who claimed to be somewhat of a collector himself. The offer really got me for a while, because I was not even 20, and was already being offered really big bucks! He even said that I could keep the stamps, as long as I sent the entry in his son's name. However, better sense prevailed, and I declined the offer," he explains.
Meanwhile, Prasad seems to have no intention of stopping anytime soon. He has already sent the next claim for a record to the publishers of the LBR, saying that he has extended his collection to cover 325 countries. He is also now collecting commemorative stamps released by the Indian government, but is skeptical over how long these stamps will continue to be released. "At the time when India became independent, hardly one or two commemorative stamps were released. That number has now touched almost 125, which is the number of commemorative stamps that may be released this year," he says .
Today, few people would prefer to write a letter and put stamps on it when making a call on a phone is as cheap. That is why definitive stamps are going out of circulation, and the government is trying to make up for the deficit by selling more commemorative stamps," he says. "Now how we receive these commemorative stamps is a different ballgame altogether. All of us, the serious philatelists, have a special account at the local general post offices (GPOs), through which we receive the commemorative stamps. We receive the stamps by registered post, and we have to pay only for the cost of the stamps," Prasad informs.
Published in Times of India 19 July 2009
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News from our Members…
Pradip Jain writes from Patna…
It was an amazing experience to attend 100th Rotary Convention held at Birmingham U. K. , 21st -- 24th June 2009. Nearly Twenty thousand Rotarian delegates from all over the globe 186 Nations member countries participated in this mega event.
100th Rotary International Convention Birmingham
The R. I. convention was inaugurated by the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon . Our Rotary on Stamp Fellowship group booth prominent positioned in house of friendship area. The outstanding display of Rotary on Stamp history and journey to the 100th R. I. Convention through stamp and philatelic material was well presented,and displayed by my good friend Rtn Michael Gosney and his wife Jo . The Rotary on Stamp Booth was the most active booth. It was visited by most of the delegates.

Presenting India issued Rotary on Stamps commemorative album to Rtn. D.K. Lee. R.I. President 2008-09
Presenting India issued Rotary on Stamps commemorative album to R.I. President elect Rtn. John Kenny 2009-10

Rotary on Stamp fellowship member in the Booth Rtn. Michael G. Gosney and wife Jo, Rtn. Jerry FitzSimmons, Rtn. Pradip Jain and Rtn. K. Hamana

A journey through Rotary on Stamps and history of 100th Convention display through stamps and Philately document by Rtn. Gosney (U.K.)