28 June 2013

Great Writers–Franz Kafka



Date of Issue : 26 June 2013

Czech Post issued a stamp dedicated to Franz Kafka, the famous writer. The stamp’s motto is LAWLESSNES - TIMELESSNESS - METAMORPHOSIS. The composition of the stamp, hand stamp and FDC is based on an austere geometric module which is also reflected in the booklet. The stamp portrays a realistic-looking beetle. As a symbol of relentless metamorphosis, not always for the better, the beetle is set in austere, even unsympathetic modules.


Stamp Booklet

Franz Kafka - a Prague-born, German-language writer of Jewish origin. He is best known for his novels The Trial, The Man Who Disappeared (also known as America), The Castle, and short story The Metamorphosis. The key part of his work was almost unknown and only a few short stories were published during his lifetime. Kafka became famous posthumously, mostly after World War II. Today, he is considered one of the 20th-century classics and a renowned innovator of the prose narrative form.


New Pictorial Cancellation from Germany

On July 20th 2013 will be available a new pictorial cancellation in 61239 Obermörlen.

The cancellation is featuring a Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)- Bird of the year 2013 in Germany.

Interested philatelists may please contact : Wolfgang Beyer,Vice Chairman of the German Collector Group ARGE ZOOLOGIE. Mail:

Postage rates: 0,75 Euro AIRMAIL, 2,80 Euro REGISTERED AIRMAIL

From Our Readers…

Letter to India Post…

Mr Pradip Jain requests the Readers to send mail  regarding non issue of following stamps by India Post as per schedule to the authorities concerned .

Thematic series of stamp, not issued in accordance to India Post list announced in January 2013


Smt.  P. Gopinath

Secretary (Posts) & Chairman PS Board

Govt. of India

Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street

New Delhi - 110, 001.


                                                                                                                                           26th June 2013

Sub :  Thematic series of stamp, not issued in accordance  to India Post list announced in January 2013.

Respected  Madam ,

I would like to draw  your attention towards India Post stamp issue program list of 2013 announced in Jan. 2013.  From the list out of Twelve thematic series, until June (in Six month time) only two thematic series of stamp so far released. Moreover, 100 years of Indian Cinema stamp series issued released on dated 3rd May 2013 is not available to India Post Philatelic Bureaus even after 45 days of its issue.

For the rest thematic series stamp issue date kindly be announced, and see all those announced in the program list are issued in 2013 on the given date. Here is the list for India Post Thematic Series stamp  Jan. to Dec. 2013 as per their announcement yet to release :  

Thematic Series

  • Headgears of India–                April
  • Stepwells of India)-                 April
  • Musicians (set of 8 stamp) -    July
  • Boats of India -                       August
  • Wildlife and flora & fauna-     June
  • Means of transport -               August
  • Railway workshops at  kanchrapara & jamalpur –       Nov.
  • Indian metal crafts –                Nov.
  • Tribal dwellings –                   June
  • Traditional embroideries –    Dec.

You will kindly see Four Thematic Series issue  between April to June not released, nor even communicated further through India Post website. These are the serious lapses to your own announced list which brings a bad name to our India Post in overseas market.

Thematic series of stamps are part of the culture and tradition of India and are very well received   in India and abroad. It should be well planned a year before and its publicity is highly important to attract a large number of collectors. India Post Philatelic division needs to be efficiently equipped with technology and human resource to handle such thematic series. It is the lack of planning with last minute decision-making that causes the products non-availability to the public who wish to buy thematic stamps but condition remain always chaotic.

Madam, I shall request you kindly look into the matter for the sake of Philately, and addressed the same on priority.

I shall be glad to hear from you soon.

With kind regards,

( Pradip Jain )

Chairman communication : Bihar Chamber of Commerce

Ex Member :  Philatelic Advisory Committee, Govt. of India

Mob : 093341 32162,  Email : philapradip@gmail.com

  • Copy to  Smt. Meera Handa, DDG Philately, India Post for kind information and necessary action.
  • Copy to Smt. Rashi Sharma, Director Philately, India Post for kind information and necessary action. : rashiadg@gmail.com
  • Copy to Shri Kamleshwar jee,  Member HRD, India Post for kind information and necessary action. : memberhrd@indiapost.gov.in

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