Date of of issue: 25 July 2012
Chunghwa Post issued a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet. The new set of stamps features "walking ferns." The designs follow:
1. Polystichum lepidocaulon (NT$5): It has a short, erect stem and fasciculate fronds. Its laminas are lanceolate and simply pinnate, with pinnae that are falcate. Some of the rachises are prolonged and viviparous at tips. This species of fern grows on slopes in the forest understory.
2. Bolbitis heteroclita (NT$5): Its stem is short and procumbent. Its fronds are simply pinnate with dimorphic: the fertile laminas are thinner and erect, whereas the sterile laminas are more spreading. The pinna grows without a tooth in each sinus. The terminal pinnae are lanceolate, and some of them are elongated and droop downward. The tips of the pinna have adventitious buds. Either lithophytic or terrestrial, the species can be found in humus soil along streambeds in the understory of forests.
3. Adiantum malesianum (NT$10): It has a short, erect stem and fasciculate fronds. Its laminas are linear to narrow lanceolate and simply pinnate. The rachis extends to be whip-shaped tendril and has adventitious bud at tip. The pinnae are fan, obliquely triangular or obliquely oblong shaped with a pair of basal pinnae half-circular or wide fan-shaped. The species grows on slopes or cliffs at the edge of forests.
Orchids from Papua New Guinea
Date of Issue : 2 July 2012
From the mountain forests of the highlands to the tropical jungles of the coast and lowlands, Papua New Guinea is home to an indescribable array of beautiful orchids. The country's rainforests provide such a vast and suitable home to these delicate flowers, that new species are still being regularly discovered.
This issue features orchids found in Rigo inland of the Central Province of Papua New Guinea.
K1.20 - Dendrobium macrophyllum - Found in the coastal jungles of Java to the Philippines and on to Samoa in the Pacific Islands and Rigo inland, Central province of Papua New Guinea. is a species of genus Dendrobium. Grows in warm to hot temperatures with medium amounts of light and in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark. Sepals are pale yellow and spotted on backside, petals are pale yellow, upper lip is striped with purple stripes, and lower lip is spotted with dark spots. Lip is pale yellow
K1.20 - Dendrobium williamsianum - A medium to giant sized, hot growing epiphyte on small trees in the hot dry savannahs of Rigo inland, Central Province of Papua and New Guinea. Goes without water for up to 6 months at a time but do get morning dew.
K6.00 - Dendrobium bracteosum pink - Found growing in the mangrove forest of Rigo inland, Central Province of Papua New Guinea and is an epiphyte of forest trees and mangroves in
rainforests often along rivers and coastlines. Sepals and petals are pink, lip is orange.
K8.00 - Phalaenopsis amabilis - Found on tree trunks hanging bogs in the rainforest of northern Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and New Britain. Grows in
warm conditions. Pot in medium fir bark and keep in partial shade.
K10.00 -Dendrobium spectabile - is a warm growing species native to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The long canes produce masses of flowers that look like aliens from another world. The plant is easy to grow and flower if you follow the recommended cultural instructions.
K1.20 - Dendrobium bracteosum white - Found growing in the mangrove forest of Rigo inland, Central Province of Papua New Guinea. Sepals and petals are white, lip is orange. A small to medium sized. Epiphyte of forest trees and mangroves in rainforests often along
rivers and coastlines.
K1.20 - Dendrobium bifalce - Found in coastal forest and in forested areas near water in Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, the Bismark Islands, along Laloki and Brown Rivers, Central Province of
Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Queensland Australia. Sepals and petals are yellow and spotted.
K6.00 - Dendrobium Strepsiceros - Found in the Moluccas and Kavieng, New Ireland Province of Papua New Guinea. A miniature to medium sized, hot growing epiphyte with erect, lower half is swollen and fusiform, loosely 6 to 10 flowered inflorescence carrying fragrant flowers
K8.00 -Vanda Hindsii - Found in Queensland Australia and Rigo inland, Central Province of Papua and New Guinea in areas with a distinct dry season in winter and spring as a large sized,
hot to warm growing, epiphyte on tall trees near large rivers or as a lithophytw scrambling over rocky outcrops with very bright sun.
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