13 June 2012

Tributes to the Ghazal King – Mehndi Hassan





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The Great Ghazal Singer Mehndi Hassan is no more… Sometimes back I wrote a Post on him…when he was seriouly ill…but he could not recover from his  prolonged illness….The news of his demise just made my eyes wet as I never knew that time to write a Post to pay Tributes to the Ghazal King would come so early and still I feel this time would have never come…and he might have recovered….and we could have listened some more  ghazals ….. His songs and ghazals are always close to my heart so I feel like losing something deep inside…….It is a loss for music lovers all over the world and those who listened to his songs and ghazals again and again ….. The pathos in his voice shared emotions of millions and touched their hearts…His voice will always be in the hearts of music lovers..This Post is a Trbute to the Greatest Ghazal singer of all time !!


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Ghazal legend Mehdi Hasan who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a private hospital in Karachi has passed away. He had been ill for the last 12 years but this year his condition has deteriorated significantly this year. Hassan, 84, was born into a family of traditional musicians at Luna village, Rajasthan, in 1927 before his family migrated to Pakistan after 1947.Hassan, who had a huge following in the subcontinent, cut back on his performances in the late 80s due to illness.

Considered one of the most successful ghazal singers of Pakistan, Mehdi Hasasn was trained in classical music by his father Ustad Azeem Khan and his uncle Ustad Ismail Khan who were both well respected classical musicians.

Hassan tried different styles of music and there was a time in Pakistan's film industry known as Lollywood when a production was considered incomplete without his voice. Due to his remarkable commercial and artistic success he was titled Shahen Shah-e-Ghazal (The King of Ghazal singing).

Read my earlier Post on : Mehndi Hassan…


1 comment:

Rahul said...

It is a very sad news that the ghazal king , maestro has passed away. We will miss him,God let his soul rest in peace.His artwork will keep him alive.

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