24 June 2012

Bicycling - Pedaling Forward




Hi Here is a nice set of four stamps issued by US postal service on 7th June which features Bicycling a very popular activity in almost all the countries. Most of us had tried cycling in our childhood…and it was a great feeling to do…The stamps are just beautiful featuring four different types of bicycles…What attracted me most is its beautiful digital cancellation that depicts a bicycle too !! This i is all for tonight..…Till Next Post…Happy Collecting !!


Bicycling: Pedaling Forward

From the training wheels used by a young child learning to ride, to the airborne wheels underneath a daring BMX racer, bicycling is an activity enjoyed by millions of Americans. And with four new colorful, se-tenant designs, the Postal Service celebrates the popular hobby as a source of recreation, transportation, exercise, competition, and in all, fun.

Bicycling has a long history of appearing on stamps — the first dating back more than 100 years to the 1902 Messenger on Bicycle Special Delivery stamp. Since then, bicycling has been featured on a variety of issuances, including those recognizing the Olympic Games, the history of American transportation, extreme sports, and recently, environmentally friendly tips.


Date of Issue : 7 June 2012

With the issuance of these stamps, the U.S. Postal Service celebrates bicycling, one of the most popular outdoor activities in America. Each of the four colorful se-tenant stamps features a different kind of bike and rider: a young child just learning to ride with training wheels, a commuter pedaling to work, a road racer intent on the finish line, and an airborne BMX rider.

Recent surveys indicate that Americans enjoy billions of bike rides a year. Bicycling organizations around the US report increased participation in local biking activities, and nearly half of all Americans say they would like more bicycling resources, such as trails and bike lanes, in their communities.

Bicycling is a low-impact aerobic activity that just about everyone — from young children to retirees — can enjoy. The health benefits are impressive: Riding a bike lowers the risk of obesity, heart disease, and breast cancer while improving muscle tone and strength. Bicycling can also lower stress. Whether riding along a lakeside path or through the bike lanes of a bustling city, bicycling is therapeutic and just plain fun.

The Bicycling stamps have been issued as Forever® stamps. Forever stamps are always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one-ounce rate.

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