16 August 2024

Club News


APEX 2024

16-18 August 2024 - Trivandrum

- Nithin Adka & Jagannath Mani 

PCI  Jury Training Academy: 10-11 August 2024. Pune

News from Chandigarh Philatelic Club

Elections of Chandigarh Philatelic Club were held on 27.07.2024 and following are the new office bearers:-

Mr. Rakesh Khurana


Mr. Rakesh Walia

General Secretary

Mr. Anil K.Gupta.

Vice President

Mr.L P S Tomar

Joint Secretary

Mr.Ashish Manchanda


Mr. Vivek Gohil

Public Relations Officer (PRO)

Col. Harbaksh Singh & Mr Daljinder Singh

Member Executive Committee

This Club is operational since the year 2000 and committed to pioneer, cultivate, encourage, propagate, educate and promote philately.

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