31 July 2024

News from Postcrossers


27th July 2024, marks the day when Karishma Jaura hosted two postcrossing meet ups in a single day and it turned out successful amidst the beautiful architecture of Sandesha Museum and amazing postcrossers of Bengaluru . 


Around 25 people including one kid joined who was the youngest postcrosser . We started our day with tour of Sandesha Museum with the help of museum personnel Priya who helped everyone understanding the exhibits in the museum . After that we postcrossers followed our postcrossing tradition and signed the cards with their signatures or personalised beautiful seals . We all shared our experiences with this beautiful hobby with everyone and learned new things like every time . We together share a joy of this lovely hobby and encourage people to join it more as it is very educational and informative. 

Praveen Shastry & Karishma Jaura - Bangalore

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