01 March 2013

At INPEX 2013–Meeting of Jainism Philately Group



Hi !

Today I am leaving for Delhi and writing this post from Bharuch ( Gujarat) the “City of Peanuts..” Here I tasted a  variety of peanuts with many flavours and  of course  delicious Guajrati Cuisine…I am going with sweet memories of INPEX 2013 where I met philatelists from all corners of India..But I feel sorry for some with whom I could not spend much time….I really enjoyed the exhibition meeting with new people and old friends. It is a lifetime memory…

Readers can view award list (with correction) on this blog and with detailed medal tally at http://www.indianphilately.net/ uploaded by Mr Prashant Pandya.As I wrote earlier that  March Issue of Rainbow Stamp News will be published late as I am out of station. But this will be very special INPEX 2013 Issue.

Today I am sharing the report of Jainism Philately Group sent by Mr Sudhir Jain.This is all for this morning…More in next Post…Until then Have a Nice Time !!


- Sudhir Jain

Jainism Philately Group (JPG) organised a meeting of it's members on 23rd Feb. 2013 at INPEX 2013 venue at Mumbai. It was grand success and attended by 96 members from different States of the country.

Organising Committee of INPEX had included this meeting in their official schedule and hence provided their function hall as well as decorated stage for the same. We had displayed an additional banner of Jainism Philately group with the images of many Jainism stamps on the background. Mr. Deepak Modi, JPG General Secretary invited Mr. Dhirubhai Mehta (President INPEX Organising Committee and President Philatelic Society of India), Mr. Dilip Shah (President P.C.I.), Mrs. Damayanti Pittie ( Secretary P.S.I.) and Mr. Jatan Mal Dhor (Member Philatelic Advisory Committee) on the dais. We are proud that all these top Philatelists of India are Jain and associated with JPG. Mr. Pradip Jain (Patron JPG), Mr. Sudhir Jain (National Chairman JPG) and Mrs. Meena Mutha (Coordinator of this meeting) were also called on the stage.

Meeting started at 12.30 noon by Navakar Mantra by Mrs. Geetaben Bavisi of Akola. Mr. Sudhir Jain, Mr. Deepak Modi, Mr. Vikas Jain, Mrs. Pratibha Gandhi presented flowers to the dignitaries on the dais. All the members given their self introduction. Mr. Sudhir Jain briefly presented report of JPG. He said that at the time of inauguration at New Delhi on 15th Feb. 2011, we were 50 and now we are more then 200. JPG members are very actively promoting Jainism Philately. Many members prepared exhibits on Jainism and allied themes and also won medals in various exhibitions. He had also acknowledged achievements of JPG members in organising Jainism exhibitions, issuing spl. covers etc.

Apart from the blessings and suggestions from the dignitaries on the dais, Mr. Atul Jain (Bilaspur), Mr. Hemant Bafna (Pune), Mr. Pradip Jain (Patna), Mr. Suresh Jain (Ludhiana), Mr. Prashant Pandya (Baroda), Mr. Rajesh Paharia (Jaipur), Mr. M. K. Krishnayya (Udupi) etc. also given good suggestions. Some important decisions taken were as under -

1. Approved formation of Pune Chapter of Jainism Philately Group

2. JPG members will try to get new Jainism Philatelic items of their area for all the other interested members

3. State Representatives for unrepresented States will be nominated by self willingness

4. More Booklets should be planned to issue on Jainism

5. Addition of old Cinderella items on Jainism should be encouraged

Mr. Vikas Jain (Ajmer) given vote of thanks. Meeting was concluded by one minute silence on the sad demise of JPG member Mr. Nanjibhai Janjani (Bhuj).


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