29 April 2011

Wedding day dawns for Prince William and Kate….



The very special day for William and Kate has arrived .The Royal wedding takes place today in Westminster Abbey.As the wedding date has got closer and closer, the wedding has begun to really capture everyone’s attention.Over 2bn people worldwide are expected to tune into watch the wedding. Today's Royal wedding will have a distinctly Irish feel. Prince William will be married in red — wearing the famous tunic of an Irish Guards officer rather than his RAF uniform. Many Postal administrations are issuing special stamps today to mark this very special royal wedding !!

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Date of Issue : 29 April 2011

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Club News

Here are some questions asked by our reader Mr Hemant Kumar Jain from RTI regarding Khadi MS and My Stamp. Many readers would be interested to know the answers. Brief translation of Question and answer for Non Hindi Readers is also given below.

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Information from RTI regarding Khadi MS and MY STAMP

1. No. of Khadi Miniature sheet printed – 105,000

2. Total No. of Presentation Pack – 105,000

3. On Presentation Pack Printed No. is .01 Million. Is it correct ??

Ans : This Number is incorrect and wrongly printed. No Clarification issued by Department.

4. How many copies of Khadi Presentation Packs were sold during INDIPEX ? What decision has been taken by Deptt. for the rest of the Khadi Presentation Packs ??

Ans : Copies sold during INDIPEX : 22,222. Now rest of the copies are being sold through e post office : www.epostoffice.gov.in

5. Whether Khadi Ms will be distributed to account holders of Philatelic Bureaeus ?

Ans : No. It was decided that these MS will be sold at INDIPEX Venue only .

6. Besides New Delhi Philatelic Bureau, Whether Khadi MS will be available at other philatelic Bureaus of the country too ??

Ans : Decision not taken by the Department so far.

7. Whether FDC of this MS with special cancellation will be available for collectors ?

Ans : No

8. Those who could not avail MY Stamp Facility during INDIPEX, Can get this facility again…???

Ans : No. As this facility was only available at INDIPEX venue. Decision has not been taken to resume this facility by the Deptt.

9. The postage for Khadi MS by Post was Rs 25 but those who ordered for 10 sheets were charged 2750 where as the Speed Post postage spent by the Deptt was just Rs 50. Why extra amount of Rs 200 was taken by the Deptt from collectors ?

Ans : Rest of the extra amount will be returned to collectors. Anyone could claim for the reimbursement by sending application to the Deptt .

Philatelic Exhibition on Tagore

In celebration of 150 birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India will be organising a month long Stamp exhibition commencing on May 9, 2011, exclusively on Rabindranath Tagore from the collection of Sekhar Chakrabarti, Moloy Sarkar and Souvik Roy at Rabindranath Tagore Centre, Kolkata.

View its Catalogue with details of World Stamps on Tagore


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