01 March 2010

Happy Holi !

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Hi !Holi is a Festival of Colors. It was celebrated in Kullu yesterday but in most parts of India, this festival is being celebrated today. The festival not only brings colors to life but a great feeling of love & fraternity. To see the fervor of Indian festivals I can only say “It happens only in India & I am proud of my country & it’s rich cultural heritage that attracts the whole world”. It’s really a great pleasure to write that I also received Holi Greetings from my overseas friends. Its really wonderful & was moved to read about Holi on a Blog of a Polish young girl who also happens to be my friend . The young student of High School, Ada Lwandowska writes about Holi with nice pictures on her Blog . It’s the time of Holi celebration in most parts of the country but in Kullu it’s raining heavily. While I am writing this post early in the morning, I can hear the clattering sound of rain drops on the the tin roof of my house…..This is all for today….Till Next Post….Have a Wonderful HOLI !


The trees smile with their sprout
of tender leaves and blooming flowers,

Eternal nature with its transient expression.
Hails spring with ecstasy and joy!

Bewildering shades with so many tinge.
The land of beauty and greatness,
India, witnessing color of happiness and peace.

Nation come alive to enjoy the spirit
A celebration of color- Holi!
An experience of content, harmony and delight.

Holika burns amidst merriment and mirth.
Evil overpowered by love and devotion.
A festival to commemorate 'Ras Lila'-
an enduring love saga of Radha and Krishna.

Gulal - red, green, yellow and countless.
A day's canvas - a riot of colors.
Lively crowd running hither and thither,

RAINBOW of colors, dashing from every nook and corner.

Disregarding their woe and despair fervent folks,
rejoicing at the marvel of colors.
A day filled with luster and gaiety,

A day to smear our dreams-
With a splash of vibrant frenzy colors.
Holi Hai! A spring of unbounded fun and frolic!!

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