04 August 2008

Beijing Olympic 2008

Hi Readers, The Countdown for Olympic Games has started.Just after few days on August 8 we will be watching opening ceremony of the grand Olympic Games. 'Olympic' is the biggest sports event and is awaited eagerly by everyone in the world. I have some special issues on Olympics for today's post. The first one is from Australia issued on 24 June 2008 featuring the mythical Chinese dragon commemorating the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Australia also issued an Aerogramme alongwith special 50c coins.In the second part some venues of Olympic Games depicted on the beautiful Postcards of China, sent by Mr. Shrikant Parikh. And in the last part, some very beautiful Se-tenants from the album of Mr. Parikh. Enjoy the Post and Have a Nice time.... !

Date of Issue - 24 June 2008

The first Australian stamp-coin. 8,000 stamp-shaped Australian 50c coins have been produced by The Perth Mint with this issue.


Venues of Bejing Olympic Games on Chinese Post Cards

National Indoor Stadium

Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium

Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium

From Se-tenant Album of Shrikant Parikh

Theme - Philately - Exhibitions

The following set of stamps along with M/s was issued on Indepex - Asiana 2000 depicting Gems & Jewellery on 7 December 2000. The vertical strip of 6 stamps is the Queen of Se-tenant collection.Only 1 strip could be available from the mixed sheet of 40 stamps.

Indepex- Asiana - 2000 - Date of Issue - 7 December 2000

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