14 July 2008

Se-tenant Stamps of India

China-India Joint Issue 6 June 2008

Today I have some special stamps & FDCs to show you. I have earlier written about India-China joint issue. Here are the pictures of FDCs issued by China for this joint issue ( Courtesy- Pradip Jain) depicting Mahabodhi Temple of India & The White Horse Temple of China ( See Post of June 6, 2008). I am going to start a new series on 'Se-tenant Stamps of India' . Our member Mr. Shrikant Parikh has speicalized on the se-tenants of India. Besides complete listing he has one of the best collections of these including, many varieties.I have already given the complete list prepared by him, in my earlier Posts. Here I am giving a series of Indian Se-tenants with a new idea and possibility for the collectors to prepare a thematic exhibit exclusively of se-tenant stamps. Se-tenant stamps are available in different forms according to the pattern of joining with other stamps. Sometimes in horizontal forms, vertical forms and zig-zag form and also in Miniature and Souvenir Sheets. Miniature sheets and Souvenir Sheets are also two different kinds of Se-tenant stamps. Here I want to clarify that in India Souvenir Sheets are not issued as the stamps of Souvenir Sheets are not seperately available. But these are issued in other countries to commemorate a specific event. I have not seen any thematic exhibit prepared exclusively by using se-tenant stamps and covers containing these form of stamps. In my opinion a one-frame thematic exhibit or more can be prepared by using only this kind of stamps on a specific topic. First of all I am presenting here the se-tenants related with the subject Flora. Just see the all possible forms of them. This is also a topic of dicussion. Readers are requested to give their comments on it.


It is a French term meaning 'joined together' , used to describe adjoining stamps which differ from each other in value, design, or in some other respect such as one overprinted or surchaged and the other not. It has become common practice to include two or more different designs - arranged horizontally, side by side, or vertically se-tenant in the one sheet of stamps. In some cases, pairs or larger combinations of stamps form a composite design, these being arranged se -tenant within the sheet. Many booklet panes and Miniature sheets have stamps se-tenant in their make -up and such items are produced from sheets specially printed for the purpose. However other varieties occur se-tenant due to errors of the platemakers or printers in making up plates or because of repairs or damage to the plate during printing. Such varities are described as se-tenant when attached to a stamp printed correctly (e.g. a tete beche pair).

- Flora -

Medicinal Plants of India

Different forms of Se-tenants

To be continued...........

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